Having been in practice for so many years, Dr.gudimetla decided to pursue chronic pain management issues in patients with Fibromyalgia. Patients suffering with myalgia and arthralgia were studied and he developed a strategic therapy of increasing their pain threshold and relieving inflammation in their soft tissues. This also was given an additional edge by promoting psychological health while incorporating effective homeopathic healing medicines. He has successfully treated thousands of patients worldwide. He is one of the internationally renowned Homeopathic onsultants. Considering today's fast pace of modern life and necessity to deliver the relief to patients promptly dr.gudimetla has developed a unique approach of "Triangular Elimination System" which has proven to be very successful. Menstrual disorders consists of following disorders: Oligoovulation- Infrequent or irregular ovulation • Anovulatio- Anovulation is absence of ovulation when it would be normal...
send your quiries to drgudimetlahomoeo@gmail.com. visit to http://drgudimetlahomoeoclinic.blogspot.com