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Having been in practice for so many years, Dr.gudimetla decided to pursue chronic pain management issues in patients with Fibromyalgia. Patients suffering with myalgia and arthralgia were studied and he developed a strategic therapy of increasing their pain threshold and relieving inflammation in their soft tissues. This also was given an additional edge by promoting psychological health while incorporating effective homeopathic healing medicines. He has successfully treated thousands of patients worldwide. He is one of the internationally renowned Homeopathic onsultants. Considering today's fast pace of modern life and necessity to deliver the relief to patients promptly dr.gudimetla has developed a unique approach of "Triangular Elimination System" which has proven to be very successful.

Menstrual disorders consists of following disorders:

Oligoovulation- Infrequent or irregular ovulation
• Anovulatio- Anovulation is absence of ovulation when it would be normally expected (in a post-menarchal, premenopausal woman). Anovulation usually manifests itself as irregularity of menstrual periods, that is, unpredictable variability of intervals, duration, or bleeding. Anovulation can also cause cessation of periods (secondary amenorrhea) or excessive bleeding (dysfunctional uterine bleeding).
• Polymenorrhea-Polymenorrhea is the medical term for cycles with intervals of 21 days or fewer.
Oligomenorrhea -Oligomenorrhea is the medical term for infrequent or light menstrual periods (frequency exceeding 35 days).
• Dysmenorrhea-Dysmenorrhea (or dysmenorrhoea), cramps or painful menstruation, involves menstrual periods that are accompanied by either sharp, intermittent pain or dull, aching pain, usually in the pelvis or lower abdomen.
• Amenorrhea -Amenorrhea is the absence of a menstrual period in a woman of reproductive age. Physiologic states of amenorrhea are seen during pregnancy and lactation (breast feeding). Outside of the reproductive years there is absence of menses during childhood and after menopause.
• Menorrhagia- MENORRHAGIA is an abnormally heavy and prolonged menstrual period. Causes may be due to abnormal blood clotting, disruption of normal hormonal regulation of periods or disorders of the endometrial lining of the womb. Depending upon the cause, it may be associated with abnormally painful periods (dysmenorrhoea).
Related Problems
• Premenstrual syndrome(PMS)
• Stress and anxiety
• Pelvic inflammatory disease
• Adenomyosis
• History of sexual or physical abuse
• Fibroids
• Ovarian cysts
• Endometriosis

A condition in which functional endometrial tissue is present outside the UTERUS. It is often confined to the PELVIS involving the OVARY, the ligaments, cul-de-sac, and the uterovesical peritoneum. Endometriosis is a difficult condition to diagnose, often starting with no symptoms or only mild symptoms.
The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Endometriosis
Menstrual symptoms
Period pain - but severity may be mild in some people or severe in others
• Heavy periods
• Excessive menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea)
• Pain after sexual activity (dyspareunia)
• Severe pelvic pain - note that pain is a poor indicator of disease severity
• Pelvic pain between periods
• Abnormal vaginal bleeding
• Bleeding between periods
• Intestinal pain - less common
• Lower back pain
• Leg pain
• Fertility issues:
• Infertility
• Subfertility
• Anovulation

Digestive symptoms - can occur in some cases
• Diarrhea
• Constipation
• Painful defecation
• Rectal pain
• Abdominal bloating
• Pain with flatulence

The list of complications that have been mentioned in various sources for Endometriosis includes:
• Internal scarring
• Adhesions
• Pelvic cysts
• Chocolate cysts
• Ruptured cyst
• Infertility - occurs in about 30-40% of cases.

Homeopathy is a therapeutic art of cure based on nature’s fundamental laws brought into practice to heal the sick patients by its holistic touch. It is the most gentle and harmless way of curing the disease permanently. What are the other laws in nature used in Homeopathy?

1. Action and reaction are equal and opposite.
2. The flux of life travels from within outwards, from above downwards, from more important organs to less important organs.
3. No two individuals are alike in the world.
4. The symptoms go in the reverse order of it’s commence.
5. The quantity of drug required is in inverse ratio to its similarity. In short, more the similarity of the drug to the disease, lesser the quantity of drug required.
6. The quantity of force required to make any changes in nature is the least possible, if it is similimum to the nature. The decisive amount is always a minimal or infinitesimal.
7. Function creates and develops the organ.
8. Laws of elasticity –stress is proportional to strain. The dynamic disease force which affects and deviates the dynamic vital force is eliminated by a dynamic medicinal force to bring the vital force to normalcy.

If concept of disease is dynamic, then in order to correct dynamic derangement, medicines should also be dynamic in action. In short, Homeopathic medicines dynamically and holistically work on living organisms in a most harmless way without leaving any side effects. . Two things are achieved by this. First, the little creatures (bacteria and viruses) leave the body without doing any harm. And second, as the equilibrium of the vital force is restored, the person regains the immunity for not getting affected by the microorganisms in future. It is the complete cure, so is called as the Holistic line of treatment

As the Homeopathic treatment is based on nature’s fundamental laws, the action and reaction are equal and opposite. As seen in chronic diseases the disease progresses very slowly, the recovery as per nature’s law is also slow. So, Homeopathic medicines take time to cure chronic diseases, slowly but surely. In chronic cases it can be realized as patient under treatment gets more and more relief with time. As the acute diseases progress fast, the recovery can be fast also with Homeopathic treatment. By its very nature and effectiveness in delivering permanent relief, Homeopathy is used to treat more chronic diseases. Hence, there is a false belief that Homeopathy takes more time to cure. The role of physician is to perceive what is curable in disease by ascertaining the symptoms from diseased person and by analysing the symptoms which medicines can produce (by studying Materia Medica), and application of proper medicine to the disease by symptom similarity.

Psychosomatic complaints like Migraine, Peptic ulcers, Asthma, Ulcerative Colitis, etc. have psychological origin from where it migrates to somas (body symptoms) ailments. Most of these ailments are treated by some treatments on pathological grounds giving only temporary relief. However, the main cause is often untreated. Homeopathy always treats patients as a whole by ascertaining his mental and general symptoms. After removing the inner cause of disease, the pathology is corrected by itself and patient is restored back to health. This gives rise to a complete cure.

Homeopathy has been used with great success to treat physical and mental illness. It takes little imagination to see how this natural, holistic and alternative form of medicine could be very useful in the treatment of: 1. Addiction: drug and alcohol abuse, prescription drug abuse, gambling addiction, eating disorders. 2. Mental Health: Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, mental illness, homelessness. 3. Criminal Behavior: first offense, probation, hardened criminals, sex offenders. 4. Juvenile Crime: learning and behavior disorders, foster care issues, gang behavior. Homeopathy is able to correct the deep imbalance that lies at the bottom of many of the above mental health issues. The homeopathic remedy stimulates the individual's body and mind to bring themselves into balance while permanently eliminating

Classical homeopaths work with only one remedy at a time so that the effect of the remedy can be gauged effectively. The greatest challenge of homeopathy is to find the single remedy out of thousands that matches all the patient's mental, emotional and physical symptoms. Literally, classical homeopaths treat the "whole person Many people confuse homeopathy with naturopathy, acupuncture, herbology, nutritional supplements or oriental medicine. Homeopathy is a separate, unique and complete system of alternative medicine. Homeopathy is based on the principle of "like cures like" or the "law of similars". This principle states that a substance that makes you ill can also cure you: anything that can produce symptoms of disease in a healthy person can cure a sick person that has similar symptoms. A good example of this principle is coffee. The homeopathic remedy, Coffea, is used to treat nervousness and insomnia - the same symptoms one can experience after drinking too much coffee. Onion (Allium cepa) is another example. Onion is used to treat allergy and hay fever in cases where the patient has tears and profuse nasal discharge. These symptoms are just what someone would experience after peeling onions. Coffee and onion are two simple examples, but thousands of other homeopathic remedies cure complex illnesses by the same principle.

The orthodox or western medicine practised during the life time of Hahnemann and even now were engaged in speculating, theorising and contemplating about the causation of diseases and their treatment. During Hanemann time, brutal methods of treament were carried out even if the patients die. The result that nobody could speak truth or preach sensible principle in public. Simply because the doctrine and policy was proposed by such eminent authorities. No body can speak and questiontheir authority and if anybody dared to speak anything new even if it was logical or based on facts and experience he was sure to be punished or boycotted by authorities and blamed that you are against this law and that act. You as alternative practitioners, so you cannot speak, only allopathy can speak. But Hahnemann was a very bold and sensible physician. He could distinguish between wrong and right. He was not influenced by renowned authorities. He has the courage of his own conviction. He doubt the words of eminent physicians, unless he could verify their statements. He achieved great success and proved beyond doubt that homeopathy has a strong scientific basis and it can be verified experientally. Even those physicians who thought that it was quackery became converted when they treated patients according to homeopathic principles. Millions of homeopaths since Hahnemann all over the world have the same experience. Every individual has his nature which will be similar throughout his life. A person may be formed, but he can be formed or can form himself only according to his nature, which is almost Homoeostatic. This homoeostatic state can be called the constitution. The constitution is "what is" and thetemperament is "what becomes".The Temperament of a person may change over time, and be affected by many external factors, such as the physical and emotionalenvironment in which theperson is raised, the illnesses to which they are exposed, vaccinations, drugs used, and so on.According to Paul Herscu N.D. Sulphur children tend to fall into one of  four categories of temperaments:1) happy-go-lucky,2) irritable, hyperactive, or cerebral. Most common is the happy-go-lucky, smiling type.  

Start the treatment by prescribing a Homeopathic remedy which covers the totality of the patients’ general, physical and mental characteristics. meopathic superficial & deep acting remedy:Certain homeopaths prescribe a superficial acting homeopathic remedy (a remedy covering the physical, local or pathological signs and symptoms) with the intention of relieving the patient immediately
Palliating the condition in irreversible states periodically prescribe the constitutional or deeper acting homeopathic remedy at intervals, with the intention of a longer and sustained homeopathic cure.
Homeopathic Dosage: You can prescribe the homeopathic remedy initially, then take a break, and  resume the dosage if the condition relapses. For e.g. 3 doses of a homeopathic medicine can be .

Homeopathy medicines have wide field of application in Gynecology. Except in gross organic disorder and in mechanical defect surgery has no room in Gynecology so far homeopathy is concern. In the
following discussion I detail the cases from my experience.Any constituently disturbances arising from the history of natural abortion causing secondary infertility- LYCOPODIUM C.M.
Continual disturbances from induced abortion- SEPIA 1000 followed by HELONIS Q. Some times inter current CALENDULA 1000, 10,000, C.M. act highly.
Very haughty women remain calm for few days after intercourse is cured her secondary infertility by PLATINA C.M. Primary infertility exploring all possible means for 10 years of marriage fails but has been successful with CAULOPHYLLUM 3x in no time with indication that lady suffer from leucorrhoea and arthritic pain in small join. Primary infertility is cured by CONIUM 1000 with indication that fare flabby lady with scanty menses and acidity causing heartburn. A woman suffering from sever abdominal pain is found on examination that cervix is ulcerated with redness; HYDROCOTIL AS. 200 have relived permanently. Acidity with severs heartburn and leucorrhoea are cured by CONIUM. Eroson cervix clotted painless bleeding with aversion to sweet and worse form bread and meat by CAUSTICUM 1M.
Uterine fibroid with hypertrophy is cured without myomectomy or hysterectomy by CALI IOD 6x.
Disposition to hemorrhage from uterus due to any cause is controlled by KALI IOD 200 or 1M.
Hypertrophy uterus with flatulent and acidity by CALANDULA 10M. CAL. CARB CM cures infertility with early copious menses prolonged. High blood pressure having history of profuse bleeding before menopause is effectively control by STRONTIA CARB. Prolapsed uterus in anaemic and rheumatic patient may use CAL. PHOS 200x for sometime. Leucorrhoea with anaemia and cold susceptible patient gets relive from CAL. PHOS.
Very much dark menses difficult to wash is MEDORRHINUM.
COCCULUS have menses scanty or even absence but leucorrhoea is profuse and predominating.
First menses delayed in lean thin subject with development body is below par- LYCOPODIUM.
KALI CARB has first delayed menses and chest symptoms are present.
LACHISIS at climacteric complains or after menopause respond in most of the cases.
MAG. MUR has leucorrhoea after excises even after passing urine, and stool.
MAG. CARB has some throat, nasal coryza before menses and menses are dark pitched scanty.
Scanty menses with constipation, itching before menses in GRAPHITES.
In ovarian tumor PSORINUM, COLOCYNTH repeated high potencies yield in many cases.
Blonde scrofulous constitution is acted by BROMIUM.
KREOSOTUM has cured young girl with prolong profuse flow. Flow intermits; sometimes on and others time off.
Flow of menses in gushes in LAC.CAN.
Lactogenic hormone is more than normal preventing conception is MERC. SOL., CYCLAMEN.
Infantile uterus PLUMBUM MET. is used.
AMENORRHOEA from severs indignation- STAPHISAGRIA.
In dyspareunia, granular vegetation in vagina - STAPHISAGRIA.
In prolapsed uterus enlargement of uterus growth with bearing down complain; FRAXINOUS AM Q.
Reduces the cancerous pain in uterus CALTHA P Q one or two drops act magically.
In order to prevent complication after childbirth CALANDULLA 1M or higher is very effectively.
Threatened abortion is prevented by KALI. CARB. If applied in time.
VINCA MINOR 6 is used  to stop bleeding from uterus withfibroid. If fails KALI IOD 1M acts very effectively.
In a cancerous condition of uterus with thin offensive discharge is improved beyond expectation by NITRIC ACID.
Above all the totality of symptoms is the best guide to find correct remedy.
Fibroids and uterine tumors have proved surgery unless in the following remedies.
KAIL IOD 6x is found a master remedy for sub involution and fibroid in uterus.
KALI BROM. is another remedy when excessive fear, anxiety and nervousness are present. The abnormal discharge is the point to note.
Traumatic interference in uterus like DC or electro cautery leading to hardness of Cervix and cancerous growth is best treated by CONIUM.Usual hardness of Cervix is by ALUMEN.

CALENDULA has hypertrophy of uterus with dragging in groin.
CALC CARB is another remedy of fatty women desire eggs excessively and aversion of meat.
CHIMAPHILLA UMB. has large breasts in both mammary and uterus tumors.
Tumor in uterus having left sided ovarian pain and chilly, perspiration is profuse THUJA.
Above all the totality of symptoms is the best guide to find correct remedy.
Fibroids and uterine tumors have proved surgery unless in the following remedies.
KAIL IOD 6x is found a master remedy for sub involution and fibroid in uterus.
KALI BROM. is another remedy when excessive fear, anxiety and nervousness are present. The abnormal discharge is the point to note.
Traumatic interference in uteus like DC or electro cautery leading to hardness of Cervix and cancerous growth is best treated by CONIUM.
Usual hardness of Cervix is by ALUMEN.
CALENDULA has hypertrophy of uterus with dragging in groin.
CALC CARB is another remedy of fatty women desire eggs excessively and aversion of meat.
CHIMAPHILLA UMB. has large breasts in both mammary and uterus tumors.
Tumor in uterus having left sided ovarian pain and chilly, perspiration is profuse THUJA.
The above remedies are verified repeatedly to convince not to deform by Surgery in growth of uterus.
A lady of 40 was suffering from painful and profuse menses. A small fibroid had been diangnosed and operation advised. For five months I tried various remedies with little result. One day she told me of a constant dream she had, of a man pursuing her. “Did he look like a robber?” “No, but he was trying to
molest me”, she said. Kreosote, which has a similar dream, has almost cured her.drugs as per causation-A case of Bilateral Polycystic Ovary (Ovarian Cyst) in a 26 years old married woman, completely cured by Thyroidinum..
.A case of Ovarian Cyst in a 32 years old married woman, completely cured by Calcarea Iodata. .A case of Uterine Fibroid with Renal Stone in a 32 years old female, completely cured by Bryonia .
.A case of Bilateral Polycystic Ovary (Ovarian Cyst) in a 26 years old married woman, completely cured by Thyroidinum.
.A case of Ovarian Cyst in a 32 years old married woman, completely cured by Calcarea Iodata.
.A case of Uterine Fibroid with Renal Stone in a 32 years old female, completely cured by Bryonia
.A case of Ovarian Tumour in a 24 years old female, completely cured by Calcarea lodata

Psora has its own characteristics, briefly hinted; functional disorders, not structural changes; inertia; lack of ambition; great weariness; desire to lie down; effects of emotional disturbances; ungrounded fears; great mental depression; anxiety; easy changes in temperament; lack of power to concentrate the mind;keen intellectual activity for a short time but lack of stability and lasting power; great chilliness; great restlessness which spurs on in spite of desire to rest and consequent inefficiency; hunger which never is satisfied; craving for foods which often don to agree; better from applied heat; dry, rough skin.

According to provings of syphilitic remedies, syphilis also has its own characteristics: mental dulness; stupidity; depression which produces sullen silence; fixed ideas; slowness of comprehension; aggravated all night and better all day: restlessness and anxiety all night; headache all night; tendency to destruction of bones and other tissues even to deformity; destructive ulcerations in many locations; several kinds of neuralgias; sudden heart failure without warning; debilitating diarrhoeas; sticky gluey hair which falls easily in spots or areas; eruptions moist, crusty, suppurating; deformed palatal arches and deformed teeth which soon decay; deformed nails.

Sycosis, the miasm which develops after a suppressed gonorrhoea, produces marked anaemia; inflammation of the mucous membranes, especially those of the genital sphere, and these hang on, are slow to cure and cause general indefinite illness. Mentally the sycotic patient is suspicious, jealous, quarrels ome, self-condemnatory and later degenerate. There are various catarrhal discharges often with a fishbrine odor, which relieve mental disturbances; all sorts of arthritic manifestations; rheumatic heart conditions with cyanosis; skin eruptions with proliferation of tissue; tendency to proliferation of cells to
tumors, moles, warts, calluses, etc. Thus it is seen that each miasm has its own general character but it is far more frequent to find combinations of Indications For Using Nosodes.

The following are the indications for the use of nosodes:
A): On Symptom similarity that is, on totality of symptoms.
(B): As a second prescription: To enhance the action of the first prescription.
C): As an intercurrent remedy, when best-selected remedy fails to act.
D): To begin treatment when no other remedy is clear.
E): As a complementary medicine.F): In conditions where the patient gives out a picture of many
medicines but none is fully indicated.
G): When “ the patient is never been well since”.



  1. Dear Doctor Gudimetla

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    With best regards

    Sincerely yours
    Dr. Sayeed Ahmad


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