Dr. Gudimetla
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Homeopathy is a holistic form of medicine. In treating an illness it takes into account the unique emotional and physical traits of the individual concerned. So the medicine prescribed for two patients suffering from the same disease will be given different medicines according different characters, temperaments, reactions etc .Homeopathy is new age medicine. It is latest of applied nanomedicine. Small dose wonder works for range of diseases such as allergies, autoimmune, psychosomatic, lifestyle diseases, etc.
Homeopathy works very quickly in common, everyday complaints, it is a treatment for those in search of an instant cure in acute diseases. In chronic diseases, it requires careful self observation and the will power to stick to a plan of action. The reward for this is a greater sense of well- being,energy and resistance to disease
It is very important to study the mental picture of the patients with primary diseases.
Dr. GUDIMETLA categorizes people into constitutional types. In homeopathic terms a person's constitution is his /her inherited and acquired physical, emotional and intellectual. A closely fitting constitutional remedy, selected according to these criteria acts preventively and curatively. In addition to examining the symptoms of an illness, he enquires the fears, food preferences and response to general factors such as weather etc. Also takes into account a person's physical appearance and weak areas of body. Dr. GUDIMETLA selects a remedy that closely matches a person's constitutional type. In the field of treatment every branch have own importance and highly useful in certain diseases acute as well as in chronic. Homeopathy is now much more advanced in the field of medical science Homeopathy treatment is acceptable now a days because it can cure those diseases which is not cured other system, like Hypertension, Obstinate skin disease,gastric ailments, Asthma and Neurological disorder,etc. We are dealing with chronic cases like Cancer, Kidney Disorders,Thyroid diseases,Skin diseases,Migraine,Rheumatism.
General Factors Homeopathy takes into account-
The weather, seasons, temperature and time of day may worsen or improve physical conditions,food preferences. Some people are inclined to crave sweet foods, while others cannot tolerate them. Food likes and dislikes are an important part of assessing constitutional types and fears before prescribing a remedy and also tangible fears, for example, insects and snakes and emotional fears, such as fear of death ,failure and insanity. So the medicine prescribed two patients for the same disease is different. Homoeopathy categorize people according to their emotional characteristics.
Hyderabad's famous homoeo specialty clinic with cure rate of 100%. Thousands of chronic diseases are cured permanently for the last 35 years of private practice and in government service. It is not needless to say that I have conducted hundreds of medical camps cured huge number of patients for which I was awarded both by government and by private organizations. Most of the cases I treated are Liver, Skin, Endocrinal, Thyroid, Joints and bones, early Cancer, male problems and female systemic disorders ect. To say frank I was very much impressed by the people in our state in curing above systemic disorders with modern psychosomatic approach. It is nothing but art of healing for which I was awarded so many times. My concept is doing service to poor with curing their ailments. This no way lesser than any other great public service. My apple to you all get cure for your chronic ailments through my organization and support needy and poor. Further I would like to clarify that it is therapeutic system of medicine that based on the hyposis "like cures likes". Which menace a substance that can cause certain symptoms(disease)on health person can cure similar disease of unhealthy person. Homoeopathy is a system of medicine where highly diluted potentisesd doses of plant, mineral and animal kingdom to stimulate natural defense mechanism in the body
Apart from the symptoms of the disease homeopathy consider aspects of physical and psychological state of the patients in recommending the remedy. With the help of homeopathic reference books (now latest software’s) we are selecting remedy. In 1828 Hahnemann introduced a concept of miasm, which he regarded as underlying cases for many known and unknown diseases. Miasmss are defined by homeopathy as an inputted "peculiar morbid derangement of the vital force and also we say initial exposure to these miasmas causes local symptoms such as skin and venereal diseases. If these symptoms are suppressed with improper medication, the cause goes deeper and begins to manifest itself as diseases of internal organs. These are nothing but deep seated ailments (deseases) because of underlying imputed miasmas. These can only be corrected by poetized medicine by removing deeper disturbances of vital force. Through advanced homeopathy over 75% of surgical cases are cured. Advanced Homeopathy is a new technique developed by DR. Gudimetla in this process elimination of remedy even 0.5% less indicated will be done. Selection of potency will be done on the basis of deepness and psychosomatic state of the disease.
Most of the homeopathic doctors are failing in giving cure because they are failing in removing abstraction in the process of cure. Hope you understood disease and cure both depends person susceptibility. On that we concentrate and give cure.
NO SIDE EFFECTS : The basic difference between Homoeo. & other systems is that it gives small stimuli to the body to help it mobiles its inherent defense mechanism to fight disease.
It is most effective for CHILDREN -- as it has no side effects, it is easy to administer - in fact the children love to go to the Homeopathic doctor who gives them sweet pills to cure them instead of bitter medicines & injections. Children respond best as their vitality is at its highest hence most receptive to Homeopathic drugs.
-- Very convenient to carry.
-- Have a longer shelf life
-- Easy to administer
-- No toxicity -- do not have any known iatrogenic effect.
-- And last, but not the least --fairly economical
Itch is an irritation in the skin that elicits an urge to scratch. Itches are a common problem and can be localized (limited to one area of the body) or generalized (occurring all over the body or in several different areas). The medical term for itching is pruritus. Generalized itch, for obvious reasons, is more difficult to treat than localized itch. Itches can also occur with or without skin lesions (for example, bumps or blisters). An itch that is accompanied by visible skin abnormality usually should be evaluated by a physician
Itching can be caused by many conditions. Probably the most common cause of itch is psychological, that is, due to stress, anxiety, etc. Stress also can aggravate itch from other causes. Dry skin is another frequent cause of itch. Many people also report sunburn itch following prolonged exposure to UV radiation from the sun. Other causes include metabolic and endocrine disorders (for example, liver or kidney disease, hyperthyroidism), cancers (for example, lymphoma), reactions to drugs, and diseases of the blood (for example, polycythemia vera). Itching is common with allergic reactions. Itching can also result from insect stings and bites such as from mosquito or flea bites.
Infections and infestations of the skin are another cause of itch. Common infectious causes of itch include a fungal infection of the crotch (tinea cruris) commonly known as jock itch, as well as vaginal itching and/or anal itching from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or other types of infections. Another type of parasitic infection resulting in itch is the so-called swimmer's itch. Swimmer's itch, also called cercarial dermatitis, is a skin rash caused by an allergic reaction to infection with certain parasites of birds and mammals that are released from infected snails in fresh and saltwater. Itch may also result from skin infestation by body lice, including head lice and pubic lice. Most people who have itching, however, do not have a serious underlying condition.
Eczema is a general term for many types of skin inflammation, also known as dermatitis. The most common form of eczema is atopic dermatitis (some people use these two terms interchangeably). However, there are many different forms of eczema.
Eczema can affect people of any age, although the condition is most common in infants, and about 85% of people have an onset prior to 5 years of age. Eczema will permanently resolve by age 3 in about half of affected infants. In others, the condition tends to recur throughout life. People with eczema often have a family history of the condition or a family history of other allergic conditions, such as asthma or hay fever. Up to 20% of children and 1%-2% of adults are believed to have eczema. Eczema is slightly more common in girls than in boys. It occurs in people of all races.
Eczema is not contagious, but since it is believed to be at least partially inherited, it is not uncommon to find members of the same family affected.
Itching usually prompts scratching, which can sometimes lead to a vicious itch-scratch cycle. Scratching can initially feel so satisfying, but prolonged scratching just leaves you with irritated skin that can still itch and often causes itching itself! Since scratching provides only temporary relief and doesn't promote healing of the underlying problem, it is best to avoid scratching if at all possible. If scratching breaks open the skin, bacterial infection can set in. And if scratching continues for many months or years, the area that is scratched may develop thickened skin (lichenification) or pigmentation that darkens the area.
The best way to allow irritated skin to heal is to stop scratching it. However, will power often is not enough since the urge to scratch can be compelling. Here are some general measures to help control itch, regardless of the cause.
Hot water (in the shower, for instance) feels good temporarily, but it often leaves you feeling itchier later. Therefore, the use of hot water is not recommended.
If home treatment isn't helping, or you notice that scratching is affecting the skin being scratched (infection, lichenification, or pigmentation), or the itch is disturbing your sleep, you should consult a doctor to ascertain why you're itching. (for eczemas and allergies) and prescription-grade antihistamines, if necessary, or treat the underlying condition that is causing the itch. Doctors do not know the exact cause of eczema, but a defect of the skin that impairs its function as a barrier, possibly combined with an abnormal function of the immune system, are believed to be an important factors. Studies have shown that in people with atopic dermatitis, there are gene defects that lead to abnormalities in certain proteins (such as filaggrin) that are important in maintaining the barrier of normal skin.
Some forms of eczema can be triggered by substances that come in contact with the skin, such as soaps, cosmetics, clothing, detergents, jewelry, or sweat. Environmental allergens (substances that cause allergic reactions) may also cause out breaks of eczema. Changes in temperature or humidity, or even psychological stress, can lead to out breaks of eczema in some people.
Eczema most commonly causes dry, reddened skin that itches or burns, although the appearance of eczema varies from person to person and varies according to the specific type of eczema. Intense itching is generally the first symptom in most people with eczema. Sometimes, eczema may lead to blisters and oozing lesions, but eczema can also result in dry and scaly skin. Repeated scratching may lead to thickened, crusty skin.
While any region of the body may be affected by eczema, in children and adults, eczema typically occurs on the face, neck, and the insides of the elbows, knees, and ankles. In infants, eczema typically occurs on the forehead, cheeks, forearms, legs, scalp, and neck. Eczema can sometimes occur as a brief reaction that only leads to symptoms for a few hours or days, but in other cases, the symptoms persist over a longer time and are referred to as chronic dermatitis.
Atopic dermatitis is a very common, often chronic (long-lasting) skin disease that affects a large percentage of the world's population. It is also called eczema, dermatitis, or atopy. Most commonly, it may be thought of as a type of skin allergy or sensitivity.. There is a known hereditary component of the disease, and it is seen more in some families. The hallmarks of the disease include skin rashes and itching.
The word "dermatitis" means inflammation of the skin. "Atopic" refers to diseases that are hereditary, tend to run in families, and often occur together. In atopic dermatitis, the skin becomes extremely itchy and inflamed, causing redness, swelling, cracking, weeping, crusting, and scaling. Dry skin is a very common complaint and an underlying cause of some of the typical rash symptoms. Although atopic dermatitis can occur in any age, most often it affects infants and young children. In some instances, it may persist into adulthood or actually first show up later in life. A large number of patients tend to have a long-term course with various ups and downs. In most cases, there are periods of time when the disease is worse, called exacerbations or flares, which are followed by periods when the skin improves or clears up entirely, called remissions. Many children with atopic dermatitis enter into a permanent remission of the disease when they get older, although their skin may remain somewhat dry and easily irritated.
Multiple factors can trigger or worsen atopic dermatitis, including dry skin, seasonal allergies, exposure to harsh soaps and detergents, new skin products or creams, and cold weather. Environmental factors can activate symptoms of atopic dermatitis at any time in the lives of individuals who have inherited the atopic disease trait.
Eczema is used as a general term for many types of skin inflammation (dermatitis) and allergic-type skin rashes. There are different types of eczema, like allergic, contact, irritant, and nummular eczema. Several other forms have very similar symptoms. The diverse types of eczema are listed and briefly described below. Atopic dermatitis is typically a more specific set of three associated conditions occurring in the same person including eczema, allergies, and asthma. Not every component has to be present at the same time, but usually these patients are prone to all of these three related conditions.
Contact eczema (contact dermatitis) is a localized reaction that includes redness, itching, and burning in areas where the skin has come into contact with an allergen (an allergy-causing substance to which an individual is sensitized) or with a general irritant such as an acid, a cleaning agent, or other chemical. Other examples of contact eczema include reactions to laundry detergents, soaps, nickel (present in jewelry), cosmetics, fabrics, clothing, and perfume. Due to the vast number of substances with which individuals have contact, it can be difficult to determine the trigger for contact dermatitis. The condition is sometimes referred to as allergic contact eczema (allergic contact dermatitis) if the trigger is an allergen and irritant contact eczema (irritant contact dermatitis) if the trigger is an irritant. Skin reactions to poison ivy and poison sumac are examples of allergic contact eczema. People who have a history of allergies have an increased risk for developing contact eczema.
Seborrheic eczema (seborrheic dermatitis) is a form of skin inflammation of unknown cause. The signs and symptoms of seborrheic eczema include yellowish, oily, scaly patches of skin on the scalp, face, and occasionally other parts of the body. Dandruff and "cradle cap" in infants are examples of seborrheic eczema. It is commonplace for seborrheic dermatitis to inflame the face at the creases of the cheeks and/or the nasal folds. Seborrheic dermatitis is not necessarily associated with itching. This condition tends to run in families. Emotional stress, oily skin, infrequent shampooing, and weather conditions may all increase a person's risk of developing seborrheic eczema. One type of seborrheic eczema is also common in people with AIDS.
Nummular eczema (nummular dermatitis) is characterized by coin-shaped patches of irritated skin -- most commonly located on the arms, back, buttocks, and lower legs -- that may be crusted, scaling, and extremely itchy. This form of eczema is relatively uncommon and occurs most frequently in elderly men. Nummular eczema is usually a chronic condition. A personal or family history of atopic dermatitis, asthma, or allergies increases the risk of developing the condition.
Neurodermatitis, also known as lichen simplex chronicus, is a chronic skin inflammation caused by a scratch-itch cycle that begins with a localized itch (such as an insect bite) that becomes intensely irritated when scratched. Women are more commonly affected by neurodermatitis than men, and the condition is most frequent in people 20-50 years of age. This form of eczema results in scaly patches of skin on the head, lower legs, wrists, or forearms. Over time, the skin can become thickened and leathery. Stress can exacerbate the symptoms of neurodermatitis.
Stasis dermatitis is a skin irritation on the lower legs, generally related to the circulatory problem known as venous insufficiency, in which the function of the valves within the veins has been compromised. Stasis dermatitis occurs almost exclusively in middle-aged and elderly people, with approximately 6%-7% of the population over 50 years of age being affected by the condition. The risk of developing stasis dermatitis increases with advancing age. Symptoms include itching and/or reddish-brown discoloration of the skin on one or both legs. Progression of the condition can lead to the blistering, oozing skin lesions seen with other forms of eczema, and ulcers may develop in affected areas. The chronic circulatory problems lead to an increase in fluid buildup (edema) in the legs. Stasis dermatitis has also been referred to as varicose eczema.
Dyshidrotic eczema (dyshidrotic dermatitis) is an irritation of the skin on the palms of hands and soles of the feet characterized by clear, deep blisters that itch and burn. The cause of dyshidrotic eczema is unknown. Dyshidrotic eczema is also known as vesicular palmoplantar dermatitis, dyshidrosis, or pompholyx. This form of eczema occurs in up to 20% of people with hand eczema and is more common during the spring and summer months and in warmer climates. Males and females are equally affected, and the condition can occur in people of any age.
The goals for the treatment of eczema are to prevent itching, inflammation, and worsening of the condition. Treatment of eczema may involve both lifestyle changes and the use of medications. Treatment is always based upon an individual's age, overall health status, and the type and severity of the condition.
Keeping the skin well hydrated through the application of creams or ointments (with a low water and high oil content) as well as avoiding over-bathing . Lifestyle modifications to avoid triggers for the condition are also recommended.
Eczema is a general term for many types of skin inflammation, also known as dermatitis. The term eczema is sometimes used interchangeably with atopic dermatitis, the most common form of eczema.Eczema is believed to result from a genetic defect that results in an abnormality of the skin's barrier function. Eczema is most common in infants and young children. All races can be affected. Triggers of eczema outbreaks can be environmental irritants or allergens; substances like soaps, perfumes, or chemicals; food allergies; lifestyle stress; or changes in temperature or humidity.
While eczema is not preventable, self-care measures such as frequent hydration of skin and avoidance of extreme temperatures and known irritants can help manage symptoms and reduce the severity of outbreaks.
The parts of the body that are prone to react to allergies include the eyes, nose, lungs, skin, and stomach. Although the various allergic diseases may appear different, they all result from an exaggerated immune response to foreign substances in sensitive people. The following brief descriptions will serve as an overview of common allergic disorders.
Psoriasis is a non contagious common skin condition that causes rapid skin cell reproduction resulting in red, dry patches of thickened skin. The dry flakes and skin scales are thought to result from the rapid buildup of skin cells. Psoriasis commonly affects the skin of the elbows, knees, and scalp.Some people have such mild psoriasis (small, faint dry skin patches) that they may not even suspect that they have a medical skin condition. Others have very severe psoriasis where virtually their entire body is fully covered with thick, red, scaly skin. Psoriasis is considered a non-curable, long-term (chronic) skin condition. It has a variable course, periodically improving and worsening. Sometimes psoriasis may clear for years and stay in remission. Some people have worsening of their symptoms in the colder winter months. Many people report improvement in warmer months, climates, or with increased sunlight exposure.Psoriasis is seen worldwide, in all races, and both sexes. Although psoriasis can be seen in people of any age, from babies to seniors, most commonly patients are first diagnosed in their early adult years.Patients with more severe psoriasis may have social embarrassment, job stress, emotional distress, and other personal issues because of the appearance of their skin.
The exact cause remains unknown. There may be a combination of factors, including genetic predisposition and environmental factors. It is common for psoriasis to be found in members of the same family. The immune system is thought to play a major role. Despite research over the past 30 years looking at many triggers, the "master switch" that turns on psoriasis is still a mystery. Essentially any body area may be involved. It tends to be more common in areas of trauma, repeat rubbing, use, or abrasions.Psoriasis has many different appearances. It may be small flattened bumps, large thick plaques of raised skin, red patches, and pink mildly dry skin to big flakes of dry skin that flake off.There are several different types of psoriasis including psoriasis vulgaris (common type), guttate psoriasis (small, drop like spots), inverse psoriasis (in the folds like of the underarms, navel, and buttocks), and pustular psoriasis (liquid-filled yellowish small blisters). Additionally, a separate entity affecting primarily the palms and the soles is known as palmoplantar psoriasis.
On the nails, it can look like very small pits (pinpoint depressions or white spots on the nail) or as larger yellowish-brown separations of the nail bed called "oil spots." Nail psoriasis may be confused with and incorrectly diagnosed as a fungal nail infection.On the scalp, it may look like severe dandruff with dry flakes and red areas of skin. It may be difficult to tell the difference between scalp psoriasis and seborrhea (dandruff). However, the treatment is often very similar for both conditions.
Psoriasis is associated with joint problems in about 10%-35% of patients. In fact, sometimes joint pains maybe the only sign of the disorder with completely clear skin. The joint disease associated with psoriasis is referred to as psoriatic arthritis. Patients may have inflammation of any joints (arthritis), although the joints of the hands, knees, and ankles tend to be most commonly affected. Psoriatic arthritis is an inflammatory, destructive form of arthritis and is treated with medications to stop the disease progression.The average age for onset of psoriatic arthritis is 30-40 years of age. In most cases, the skin symptoms occur before the onset of the arthritis.The diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis is typically made by a physician examination, medical history, and relevant family history. Sometimes, lab tests and X-rays may be used to determine the severity of the disease and to exclude other diagnoses like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
Psoriasis may involve solely the nails in a limited number of patients. Usually, the nail symptoms accompany the skin and arthritis symptoms. Nails may have small pinpoint pits or large yellowish separations of the nail plate called "oil spots." Nail psoriasis is typically very difficult to treat..
No, psoriasis is not currently curable. However, it can go into remission and show no signs of disease. Ongoing research is actively making progress on finding better treatments and a possible cure in the future. studies have not shown it to be contagious from person to person. You cannot catch it from anyone, and you cannot pass it to anyone else by skin-to-skin contact. You can directly touch someone with psoriasis every day and never catch the skin condition. Although psoriasis is not contagious from person to person, there is a known
Acne (acne vulgaris, common acne) is not just a problem for teenagers; it can affect people from ages 10 through 40. It is not unusual for women, in particular, to develop acne in their mid- to late-20s, even if they have not had breakouts in years (or ever). On the positive side, those few individuals who have acne into their 40s may well grow out of it. Acne can appear on the skin as any of the following:
You can do a lot to treat your acne using products available at a drugstore or cosmetic counter that do not require a prescription. However, for tougher cases of acne, you should consult a physician for treatment options.
No one factor causes acne. Acne happens when oil (sebaceous) glands come to life around puberty, stimulated by male hormones from the adrenal glands of both boys and girls. Sebum (oil) is a natural substance which lubricates and protects the skin, and under certain circumstances, cells that are close to the surface block the openings of sebaceous glands and cause a buildup of oil underneath. This oil stimulates bacteria (which live on everyone's skin and generally cause no problems) to multiply and cause surrounding tissues to become inflamed.
Inflammation near the skin's surface produces a pustule; deeper inflammation results in a papule (pimple); deeper still and it's a cyst. If the oil breaks though to the surface, the result is a "whitehead." If the oil accumulates melanin pigment or becomes oxidized, the oil changes from white to black, and the result is a "blackhead." Blackheads are therefore not dirt, and do not reflect poor hygiene. Here are some factors that usually cause acne.
Heredity: With the exception of very severe acne, most people do not have the problem exactly as their parents did. Almost everyone has some acne at some point in their life.
Food: Parents often tell teens to avoid pizza, chocolate, greasy and fried foods, and junk food. While these foods may not be good for overall health, they don't cause acne or make it worse. Although some recent studies have implicated milk and dairy products in aggravating acne, these findings are far from established.
Stress: Some people get so upset by their pimples that they pick at them and make them last longer. Stress, however, does not play much of a direct role in causing acne.
Hormones: Some women break out cyclically, but most women (and men) don't. Some oral contraceptive pills may help relieve acne, but unless a woman has abnormal menstrual periods and excessive hair growth, it's unlikely that hormones play much of a role in causing acne. Pregnancy has a variable effect on acne; some women report that they clear up completely, and others get worse, while many others see no overall change.
Pressure: In some patients, pressure from helmets, chinstraps, collars, suspenders, and the like can aggravate acne.
Drugs: Some medications may cause or worsen acne, such as those containing iodides, bromides, or oral or injected steroids (either the medically prescribed prednisone or the steroids that bodybuilders or athletes take). Other drugs that can cause or aggravate acne are anticonvulsant medications and lithium, which is used to treat bipolar disorder. Most cases of acne, however, are not drug-related.
Lifestyle: Moderation and regularity are good things, but not everyone can sleep eight hours, eat three good meals, and drink eight glasses of water a day. You can, however, still control your acne even if your routine is frantic and unpredictable. Probably the most useful lifestyle changes you can make are to apply hot compresses to pustules and cysts, to get facials (see below), and never to pick or squeeze pimples. Playing with or popping pimples, no matter how careful and clean you are, nearly always makes bumps stay redder and bumpier longer. People often refer to redness as "scarring," but fortunately it usually isn't in the permanent sense. It's just a mark that takes months to fade if left entirely alone.
Cleansing and skin care: Despite what you read in popular style and fashion magazines, there is no magic product or regimen that is right for every person and situation.
Mild cleansers: Washing once or twice a day with a mild cleansing bar or liquid (for example, Dove, Neutrogena, Basis, Purpose, and Cetaphil are all inexpensive and popular) will keep the skin clean and minimize sensitivity and irritation.
Exfoliating cleansers and masques: A variety of mild scrubs, exfoliants, and masques can be used. These products contain either fine granules or salicylic acid in a concentration that makes it a very mild peeling agent. These products remove the outer layer of the skin and thus open pores. Products containing glycolic or alpha hydroxy acids are also gentle skin exfoliants.
Retinol: Not to be confused with the prescription medication Retin-A, this derivative of vitamin A can help promote skin peeling.
Scabies is an itchy skin condition caused by the microscopic mite Sarcoptes scabei. It is common all over the world, and it affects people of all races and social classes. Scabies spreads quickly in crowded conditions where there is frequent skin-to-skin contact between people. Hospitals, child-care centers and nursing homes are examples. Scabies can easily infect sex partners and other household members. Sharing clothes, towels, and bedding can also spread scabies. You cannot get scabies from a pet. Pets get a different mite infection called mange.
Symptoms are
• Pimple-like irritations or a rash
• Intense itching, especially at night
• Sores caused by scratching
Several lotions are available to treat scabies. The infected person's clothes, bedding and towels should be washed in hot water and dried in a hot dryer.
Eczema is a term for several different types of skin swelling. Eczema is also called dermatitis. It is not dangerous, but most types cause red, swollen and itchy skin. Factors that can cause eczema include other diseases, irritating substances, allergies and your genetic makeup. Eczema is not contagious.
The most common type of eczema is atopic dermatitis. It is an allergic condition that makes your skin dry and itchy. It is most common in babies and children.Eczema cannot be cured, but you can prevent some types of eczema by avoiding irritants, stress and the things you are allergic to.
Wear gloves to protect the skin on your hands.Wear vinyl or plastic gloves for work that requires you to have your hands in water. Also, wear gloves when your hands will be exposed to anything that can irritate your skin. Wear cotton gloves under plastic gloves to soak up sweat from your hands. Take occasional breaks and remove your gloves to prevent a buildup of sweat inside your gloves. Wear gloves when you go outside during the winter. Cold air and low humidity can dry your skin, and dryness can make your eczema worse.
Care for your skin in the bath or shower.
Bath only with a mild soap, such as Dove, Basis or Oil of Olay. Use a small amount of soap. Keep the water temperature cool or warm, not hot. Soaking in the tub for a short time can be good for your skin because the skin's outer layer can absorb water and become less dry. Soak for 15 to 20 minutes. Then use a soft towel to pat your skin dry without rubbing. Immediately after drying, apply a moisturizer to your skin. This helps seal in the moisture.
Use the medicine your doctor has prescribed for you.
When your eczema flares up (gets worse), use the medicine prescribed by your doctor. Use it right after bathing. Medicine used to treat eczema is usually a steroid medicine that you rub on your skin. Follow your doctor's directions for using this medicine or check the label for proper use. Call your doctor if your skin does not get better after 3 weeks of using the medicine.
Use a moisturizer on your skin every day.
Moisturizers help keep your skin soft and flexible. They prevent skin cracks. A plain moisturizer is best. Avoid moisturizers with fragrances (perfume) and a lot of extra ingredients. A good, cheap moisturizer is plain petroleum jelly (such as Vaseline). Use moisturizers that are more greasy than creamy, because creams usually have more preservatives in them.
Regular use of a moisturizer can help prevent the dry skin that is common in winter.Avoid scratching or rubbing the itchy area.Try not to scratch the irritated area on your skin even if it itches. Scratching can break the skin. Bacteria can enter these breaks and cause infection. Moisturizing your skin will help prevent itchiness.
Avoid getting too hot and sweaty.
Too much heat and sweat can make your skin more irritated and itchy. Try to avoid activities that make you hot and sweaty.
Learn how to manage stress in your life. Eczema can flare up when you are under stress. Learn how to recognize and cope with stress. Stress reduction techniques can help. Changing your activities to reduce daily stress can also be helpful.Continue skin care even after your skin has healed.The area where you had the eczema may easily get irritated again, so it needs special care. Continue to follow the tips in this handout even after your skin has healed.
• Clean your skin gently
• Try not to touch your skin
• Avoid the sun
Treatments for acne include medicines and creams
Constitutional approach--As per the classical homeopathy, we believe in constitutional prescribing. Every case of skin disease calls for study of the patient's constitution, which includes various aspects of his physical ailments as well as the in-depth study of the mental sphere, such as emotions, psychosocial background, and behavior and personality pattern.
This calls for individual case study in every case. There is no single specific remedy for all the cases of skin diseases. The exact treatment is determined only on in-depth evaluation of individual case. Furthermore, patient's history of past diseases and that of the family diseases is understood to know the miasmatic background of the patient.
Clinic Information
Dr. Gudimetla Homoeo Clinic
Lalita Mansion
Road no 10
Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh INDIA
For Appointment Call
Phone Number: 9441080259
FOR ELETRONIC CONSULTATION email- drgudimetlahomoeo@gmail.com
Successful treatment of many incurable diseases adds a feather to his cap. Specialization is in the branch of treating incurable systemic diseases.
Free online consultation
Our homoeopathy treatment is now just a few clicks away.
Our on-line homeopathy treatment protocol offers a specially designed program, which includes the following aspects:
In-depth case study: Collection of patient's case-details and case history through a questionnaire on online. Analysis and evaluation of the case-details, once received, by a team of specialists and Homeopathic doctors.
Homeopathic medicines will be sent to you through post or courier.
Follow up online support as and when required, 24/7 online and 11 hrs for 6 days a week by chat and phone.
Telemedicine service mainly works on internet, if needs it is followed by telephonic conversation. Once the medicine reaches the patient, instructions regarding usage will be sent by internet. For information response time is few hours to one day. No food restriction while using homeopathic medicine.
Mobile homoeopathy is not a clinic to go to patient,on hearing signs & symptoms of the patient by phone I indicate remedy he can as well collect from me or can purchase as it is not costly, thus assist the people of the slums.
My MISSION& FENDAMENTAL aim is to make Homoeopathy available to everyone, so with this aim I run the Clinic on a non-profitable basis,we are able to offer consultation with medicine.
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