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Balconies, verandahs, and terraces should ideally be built on the north, northeast, or east sides of the house, not on the south or west sides. If a balcony is on the south est side of a house, it should be covered and closed.
The floor or roof over a balcony or terrace should be lower than the floor or roof of the main building. It is best if the verandah's roof is slanted toward the northeast. The verandah's corners should not be rounded, and balconies should not have arches.
Flowerpots on the verandah should be small. No creepers should be planted on a verandah. 

Money, valuables, or a safe should be stored in a room on the north side of the house. This is the side of the god of wealth. The door to this room should be facing north or east. The walls should be painted yellow, because yellow leads to an increase of wealth.
If a safe is large, it can be placed in the south, southwest, or west sides of the house, but it should always be set a few inches from the wall. It should not be in the southwest or southeast corner, and should definitely not be in a northeast corner. The safe should face north and open toward the north or east. It is inauspicious to have a safe opening to the south-this will cause a loss of money. The safe should not be located under any beams.
The cabinets must be in the west or south direction of the room. 
The windows should be designed in the north or east direction. 
Other furniture items like the study table, couch etc, must be placed a few inches away from the walls. Furniture attached to the wall obstructs positive energies from flowing. 
 Suggest that the room’s walls must be painted in the shades of green. This color symbolizes peace, and freshness. 
The bed must be placed at the southwest corner. 
The child’s head must face south or east, when sleeping. 
Never place a computer or a T.V right opposite to the bed. The computer and T.V tend to reflect the bed when switched off; this is a bad omen. 
Always place reflecting objects such as television, mirror, and computer in the left or the right hand side of a bed. 
Place the study table in a way that your child faces north, east, or northeast while studying. East is known to be the most auspicious direction as it helps enhance concentration. 
Never make use of sharp lights and spot lights in a child’s' room (they create mental stress). 
The main entrance to the room must never be opposite to the child’s bed.
Study rooms built according to Vastu Shastra enhance concentration and stamina in children, in turn giving them the much needed boost to do well academically. 

The compound wall should be built before the house is constructed. Construction should begin during an auspicious constellation, and on a favorable day-a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. The compound wall should not be higher than the house, and construction of it should begin on the southwest side( NIRUTI)
The southwest part of the wall should be higher than the rest of the wall. Do not set the gate on the south side. It is best that there are two gates to the compound, so evil things entering one gate will exit from the other.
It is best if the house is built on the southwest section of the land. Any open space should be to the north and east. Open space on the west side of the land is not good for the family's male members. It is also good to keep a tulasi plant in the northeast corner.The electric generators should be situated on the southeast section of the plot, not the northeast, which is inauspicious. 
If there is to be a swimming pool, waterfalls, or fountains, they should be set to the north, east, or northeast. Gardens, plants, or the lawns should also be set to the north, east, or northeast. Plants should be less than 1m in height. Swings should be to the north or east, and should swing from east to west. It is considered inauspicious to block the entrance to a house, such as with a tree or telephone pole. 
An unclean stream or pool of unclean water should not be located in front of the house. 
A garage, or servants' quarters or outhouses built separately from the house should be located to the southeast or northwest of the main house but should not touch any of the boundary walls. Ideally such quarters should not touch the southeast corner,and they definitely should not touch the eastern or northern boundary walls. but should be slightly west .
Downward slope in the North-east direction of East is considered auspicious
Downward slope in Eastward gives welth prosperity, name and success to the inmates while if the opposite then people have to bear problems like dishonour, failure in different spheres of life etc.
Downward slope in North-east is very auspicious and people may acquire unflinching success, wealth and peace of mind. Upward slope in this direction brings loss of wealth, poor health and failures in business. If the plot is subjected to downward slope in West occupants have to suffer from persistent illness, mental problem like depression and loss of wealth etc. Upward slope in West yield positive results such as success, good wealth & health and spiritual progress. Downward slope in North-west surely acquires enmity, accidents theft and bad health
Upward slope in South-west is considered best and results in wealth, prosperity, promotion, obedient children etc
Vastu suggests digging a well in North-east and after that to start the construction. Qpen space should be given more towards the North and the East and less towards the South and the West. Open space at South-East and North-west should be equal. Avoid planting trees in North-east corner while all other directions are suitable. Heavy trees must be grown towards South, West and South-west side. More windows must be given towards East and North while Southern and Western sides must be avoided for windows and doors.  Front door must be larger than other doors especially exit door. In the plots Western side must be elevated than Eastern side and Southern must be elevated than North to determine the auspiciousness  As discussed North-east is the first to dig and Vastu r After the foundation is dug in North-east pillars must be stand starting from South-west and later to go in South, West direction and finally in East and North. 
While making the building or the house, it is advisable to have equal open space on all four sides. The levels of open spaces should be higher in South& West side and lower in North & East side. Outlets of rainwater should be in Northeast or North zones.
According to Vaastu, the most beneficial entrances in the house are those in North East, East or North direction.

Doors of each room  facing East. 
Bedrooms should be in South and West 
Placement of mirrors on South and West wall are inauspicious. 
While sleeping head should be in South or West but never in North. 
Pooja room should be in North East. All idols and photographs should be facing East or West. 
Toilet seat should be in North-South only. It should not be in East-West. 
Out houses should not touch the compound wall of North and East side. 
Stairs should always be in clock-wise direction. 
Anything underground should be in North or East. 
Big trees should not be grown in North or East. They should be in South or West side of the house. 
Face East or North while reading or transacting any business deal. 
Face East while cooking, West is allowed if there is no alternative, but never face South while cooking. 
Total number of doors and windows should be in even number for each floor, but should not end in zero like 10, 20, 30. The width of the door should be half the height of the door. The door should not be too high, too low, too wide or too narrow. The doors should be rectangular and square doors should always be avoided. 
Ventilation should be looked after and good cross ventilation should be present. 
Never put the poster of crying girl, war scene, sexy scenes, angry man, owl, eagle etc. They are inauspicious. 
Doors should open inside the room and not outside. 
No room should be built under the stairs. 
The cupboard in the wall should be in the Southern or Western part direction of the house. 
The kitchen, grinder, fridge, shelf and other heavy items should be towards South and West wall.

While cooking face towards East.
While sleeping keep your head in the south or west direction.
Keep your Money & safe Locker in the South west corner
Round or Oval type Dining table to be avoided as they will lead to quarrel and arguements
Toilet and Bathroom doors to be kept closed always as they affect the earning capacity
Take bath facing East.
Clothes to be washed are to be kept in North west corner.
Bed room should be in the South west.
Always keep your Home and office clean.
Broken Glass to be replaced immediately.
Wall clock should be in working condition.
Fused bulbs should be replaced immediately.
Chadelier (Glass) lamps will bring you Luck.
                                                                          DR G.C.V.RAMANA MURTY


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