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Worship should be done in the northeast, north, or east sides of the house. It is best that the temple room is in the northeast corner of the house. prosperity, happiness, inner strength, health, and wealth The worship room should not be to the south. The place of worship should be on the ground floor and not upstairs.
The altar should be located on the northeast side of the temple room. The deities or pictures of the deities should either face east or west, and should not face north or south. It is best that the Deities face west and the worshipers face east.  The door to the temple room should have two shutters.
Toilets should never be above or below the place of worship. White, light yellow, or light blue are good colors for a temple room. It is good if the worship room is shaped like a pyramid. Do you own a big plot of land? In case you do, then assign the center of your ground floor to your deities. Arrange for proper ventilation and a threshold, if you wish to elicit a positive response from the deities. Do it facing east.
Study room vastu - In olden days it was considered good that the place on the West towards S.W. is the best one for studies. The reason is the planets mercury, Jupiter, the Moon and Venus influence the place as mentioned below. 
Jupiter : Accelerates desire to study and curiosity to learn. 
Mercury : Develops intelligence. 
The Moon : Lays strength on the nerves of the brain. 
Venus : Functions like a coordinator and makes us efficient.
Therefore the study room must be in the West and one should sit facing N.E., East or North. The Vastu Shastra lays stress on the point that if one sits for studies as per the directions given above, one becomes quite an expert and enlightened. The bookshelves should not be in the northwest or southwest corner. Books should be in the east, north, or west sides of the room. 
The door should be two-shuttered and should be located in the northeast, north, or west. Windows can be set on the east, north, or west walls. The walls should be painted white, sky blue, cream, or light green.
Study table  East or North. Book selves--North, East and Northeast.
Never place the cabinets in the center of the study room. Bookshelves must never be above the study table Study table must not be cluttered by books

The main bedroom should be on the southwest or northwest side of the house. If there is an upper story in the house, the master bedroom should be on this floor, in the southwest corner. Bedrooms on the northeast side of the house will also cause trouble.
 The children's bedroom should ideally be in NorthWest. It could be in Southeast& North as well but never in southwest or south. The younger children's bedroom can also be on the east side of the house, Newly married couples should not use a bedroom on the east side. Guest bedrooms are best located in the northwest corner, but can also be located in the northeast corner. Bedroom walls should be painted a light rose, dark blue, dark green, gray, etc.The door should be set in the east, west or north, and should ideally be one shutter. Has your child been suffering from problems such as bad health, bullying, insomnia, low self esteem, or bad grades? If the prescribed medicines and extra classes aren’t working then it’s probably time to consider vastu for children room. According to the experts, all these negative effects are related to constructions with improper Vastu principles. Below we discuss the standards that must be followed when building a child’s room so to give your young one a positive atmosphere-
One should sleep with his head facing east or south. Sleeping with head towards south ensures long life. One should never sleep with his head facing north. Upon rising from bed, the right foot should be placed on the floor first. If one is to study in the bedroom, the east side should be used. The wardrobe should be located on the northwest or southwest side of the bedroom. TV, heaters, and air conditioners should be located in the southeast corner.
The southwest corner of the room should not be vacant. An attached bathroom could be built on the west or north sides of the room. It is best not to keep the safe in a bedroom, but if this is the only place for the safe, it should be located on the south wall, opening north.
The dining room should be located on the west , east or north side of the building. If the kitchen is on the ground floor, the dining room should not be on an upper floor but should also be located on the ground floor.The door leading into the dining room should be on the east, north, or west side of the room. It should not have arches. The house's main entrance door should not face the dining room's door.
It is best to face east or west while eating. The head of the family should face east during meals. Other members of the family can face east, north, or west, but it is not advisable to face south.The dining table should not be round or oval but either square or rectangular. It should not fold from the wall or be attached to the wall.A sink can be located in the northeast corner of the dining room, or on the north or east sides of the room. No toilets should be attached to the dining room. 
Living Room is best looked in East, North & Northeast directions. 
The living room of the central zone (Brahmasthan) should be free from any kind of obstructions. By obstructions, we mean any kind of beam, pillar, fixture, toilet, staircase or even a wall or lift. 
Furniture should be square or rectangular, not round or oval. It is good if the ceiling slopes down toward the northeast direction. The air-conditioner should be in the west, not the southeast. Furniture should mainly be in the west and south section of the room.The walls should be painted white, yellow, green, or blue, never red or black. Depressing paintings should not be placed on the walls.
Money, valuables, or a safe should be stored in a room on the north side of the house. This is the side of the god of wealth. The door to this room should be facing north or east. The walls should be painted yellow, because yellow leads to an increase of wealth.
If a safe is large, it can be placed in the south, southwest, or west sides of the house, but it should always be set a few inches from the wall. It should not be in the southwest or southeast corner, and should definitely not be in a northeast corner. The safe should face north and open toward the north or east. It is inauspicious to have a safe opening to the south-this will cause a loss of money. The safe should not be located under any beams.
The cabinets must be in the west or south direction of the room. 
The windows should be designed in the north or east direction. 
Other furniture items like the study table, couch etc, must be placed a few inches away from the walls. Furniture attached to the wall obstructs positive energies from flowing. 
 Suggest that the room’s walls must be painted in the shades of green. This color symbolizes peace, and freshness. 
The bed must be placed at the southwest corner. 
The child’s head must face south or east, when sleeping. 
Never place a computer or a T.V right opposite to the bed. The computer and T.V tend to reflect the bed when switched off; this is a bad omen. 
Always place reflecting objects such as television, mirror, and computer in the left or the right hand side of a bed. 
Place the study table in a way that your child faces north, east, or northeast while studying. East is known to be the most auspicious direction as it helps enhance concentration. 
Never make use of sharp lights and spot lights in a child’s' room (they create mental stress). 
The main entrance to the room must never be opposite to the child’s bed.
Study rooms built according to Vastu Shastra enhance concentration and stamina in children, in turn giving them the much needed boost to do well academically. 
Windows and Doors - When fixing the windows and doors, it is important to keep cross-ventilation in mind. Also, it’s essential to fix windows and doors opposite to one another to allow more light and air to enter. Doors must never be placed at the center of a wall. South facing houses must have north facing entrances so that they fall at the eastern half. North facing houses must have north facing entrances so that they fall at the eastern half of the side. West facing houses must have their entrance towards West, to make sure the main door falls at the Northern half of the side. The entrance for east facing houses must be fixed towards East, to make sure the main door falls towards the Northern half of the side. The main gates of two houses facing each other must never open towards each other.  Teak is the best wood for making doors and windows. Square or uneven furnishing articles must be avoided. All the windows must have symmetry and must be proportionate in height.There must be absolutely no obstruction, such as plants, Temple, staircases, and the like, in front of the main entrance. Construct doors in the beginning and end of a staircase. Doorway constructed at the eastern direction is very auspicious. However, you can also construct entrances in the western and northern side. 
Bathrooms can be on the west or northwest sides of the building, but not on the eastern or northeastern sides. The toilet room should also not be located on the southeast, the southwest, or in the center of the building.The morning sun falling on the body after bathing is good, so windows should be set in the north or east sides of the room. Ideally, toilets should face south, not east or west . The toilet should be located on the west or northwest side of the room and should be built 1 or 2 feet above the ground.An attached bathroom should be on the west or northwest side of a room, never on the northeast side. Sinks should be placed on the northeast, north, or east sides of the room. Bathtubs should be located on the northeast, west, or east sides. Bathroom walls should be painted white, sky blue, or another light shade. Do not use black or dark red.Water should leave the bathroom from the east or northeast side. Water should not leave from the southwest or southeast directions.
Bathrooms& Toilets should be in Northwest of the house or in West or South direction.The bathroom/bathrooms can be either inside or outside the house. In case it is inside, it should be located on the eastern or northern side. (If attached to a bedroom, then to eastern or northern side of the bedroom). When located outside, then it should be in Northeast corner, but away from the main building. 
The proper alignment of the rooms with proportionate sizes harmonizes the energies and it gives peace of mind to those who live in that premises. In short vaasthu harmonizes the cosmic forces and makes life pleasant to live.
The storage areas or room should be located in the northwest part of the building, but not in the north or east. The storage room door should not be on the southwest side of the room. Storage cabinets should be located on the west or north sides of the room. Butter, ghee, oil, and cooking gas should be kept in the southeast corner. 
Balconies, verandahs, and terraces should ideally be built on the north, northeast, or east sides of the house, not on the south or west sides. If a balcony is on the southwest side of a house, it should be covered and closed.
The floor or roof over a balcony or terrace should be lower than the floor or roof of the main building. It is best if the verandah's roof is slanted toward the northeast. The verandah's corners should not be rounded, and balconies should not have arches.
Flowerpots on the verandah should be small. No creepers should be planted on a verandah.

Doors of each room  facing East. 
Bedrooms should be in South and West 
Placement of mirrors on South and West wall are inauspicious. 
While sleeping head should be in South or West but never in North. 
Pooja room should be in North East. All idols and photographs should be facing East or West. 
Toilet seat should be in North-South only. It should not be in East-West. 
Out houses should not touch the compound wall of North and East side. 
Stairs should always be in clock-wise direction. 
Anything underground should be in North or East. 
Big trees should not be grown in North or East. They should be in South or West side of the house. 
Face East or North while reading or transacting any business deal. 
Face East while cooking, West is allowed if there is no alternative, but never face South while cooking. 
Total number of doors and windows should be in even number for each floor, but should not end in zero like 10, 20, 30. The width of the door should be half the height of the door. The door should not be too high, too low, too wide or too narrow. The doors should be rectangular and square doors should always be avoided. 
Ventilation should be looked after and good cross ventilation should be present. 
Never put the poster of crying girl, war scene, sexy scenes, angry man, owl, eagle etc. They are inauspicious. 
Doors should open inside the room and not outside. 
No room should be built under the stairs. 
The cupboard in the wall should be in the Southern or Western part direction of the house. 
The kitchen, grinder, fridge, shelf and other heavy items should be towards South and West wall.

While cooking face towards East.
While sleeping keep your head in the south or west direction.
Keep your Money & safe Locker in the South west corner
Round or Oval type Dining table to be avoided as they will lead to quarrel and arguements
Toilet and Bathroom doors to be kept closed always as they affect the earning capacity
Take bath facing East.
Clothes to be washed are to be kept in North west corner.
Bed room should be in the South west.
Always keep your Home and office clean.
Broken Glass to be replaced immediately.
Wall clock should be in working condition.
Fused bulbs should be replaced immediately.
Chadelier (Glass) lamps will bring you Luck.
                                                                                       DR G.C.V.RAMANA MURTY


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