Homeopathy is a holistic form of medicine. In treating an illness it takes into account the unique emotional and physical traits of the individual concerned. So the medicine prescribed for two patients suffering from the same disease will be given different medicines according different characters, temperaments, reactions etc .
Homeopathy is new age medicine. It is latest of applied nanomedicine. Small dose wonder works for range of diseases such as allergies, autoimmune, psychosomatic, lifestyle diseases, etc.
Homeopathy works very quickly in common, everyday complaints, it is a treatment for those in search of an instant cure in acute diseases. In chronic diseases, it requires careful self observation and the will power to stick to a plan of action. The reward for this is a greater sense of well- being, energy and resistance to disease.
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843)
Father of Homeopathy
Dr. GUDIMETLA categorizes people into constitutional types. In homeopathic terms a person's constitution is his /her inherited and acquired physical, emotional and intellectual.
A closely fitting constitutional remedy, selected according to these criteria acts preventively and curatively. In addition to examining the symptoms of an illness, he enquires the fears, food preferences and response to general factors such as weather etc. Also takes into account a person's physical appearance and weak areas of body. Dr. GUDIMETLA selects a remedy that closely matches a person's constitutional type. In the field of treatment every branch have own importance and highly useful in certain diseases acute as well as in chronic. Homeopathy is now much more advanced in the field of medical science Homeopathy treatment is acceptable now a days because it can cure those diseases which is not cured other system, like Hypertension, Obstinate skin disease,gastric ailments, Asthma and Neurological disorder,etc. We are dealing with chronic cases like Cancer, Kidney Disorders,Thyroid diseases,Skin diseases,Migraine,Rheumatism.
General Factors Homeopathy takes into account-
The weather, seasons, temperature and time of day may worsen or improve physical conditions,food preferences.
Some people are inclined to crave sweet foods, while others cannot tolerate them. Food likes and dislikes are an important part of assessing constitutional types and fears before prescribing a remedy and also tangible fears, for example, insects and snakes and emotional fears, such as fear of death ,failure and insanity.
So the medicine prescribed two patients for the same disease is different. Homoeopathy categorize people according to their emotional characteristics.
Hyderabad's famous homoeo specialty clinic with cure rate of 100%. Thousands of chronic diseases are cured permanently for the last 35 years of private practice and in government service. It is not needless to say that I have conducted hundreds of medical camps cured huge number of patients for which I was awarded both by government and by private organizations. Most of the cases I treated are Liver, Skin, Endocrinal, Thyroid, Joints and bones, early Cancer, male problems and female systemic disorders ect. To say frank I was very much impressed by the people in our state in curing above systemic disorders with modern psychosomatic approach. It is nothing but art of healing for which I was awarded so many times. My concept is doing service to poor with curing their ailments. This no way lesser than any other great public service. My apple to you all get cure for your chronic ailments through my organization and support needy and poor. Further I would like to clarify that it is therapeutic system of medicine that based on the hyposis "like cures likes". Which menace a substance that can cause certain symptoms(disease)on health person can cure similar disease of unhealthy person. Homoeopathy is a system of medicine where highly diluted potentisesd doses of plant, mineral and animal kingdom to stimulate natural defense mechanism in the body.
Apart from the symptoms of the disease homeopathy consider aspects of physical and psychological state of the patients in recommending the remedy. With the help of homeopathic reference books (now latest software’s) we are selecting remedy. In 1828 Hahnemann introduced a concept of miasm, which he regarded as underlying cases for many known and unknown diseases. Miasmss are defined by homeopathy as an inputted "peculiar morbid derangement of the vital force and also we say initial exposure to these miasmas causes local symptoms such as skin and venereal diseases. If these symptoms are suppressed with improper medication, the cause goes deeper and begins to manifest itself as diseases of internal organs. These are nothing but deep seated ailments (deseases) because of underlying imputed miasmas. These can only be corrected by poetized medicine by removing deeper disturbances of vital force. Through advanced homeopathy over 75% of surgical cases are cured. Advanced Homeopathy is a new technique developed by DR. Gudimetla in this process elimination of remedy even 0.5% less indicated will be done. Selection of potency will be done on the basis of deepness and psychosomatic state of the disease.
Most of the homeopathic doctors are failing in giving cure because they are failing in removing abstraction in the process of cure. Hope you understood disease and cure both depends person susceptibility. On that we concentrate and give cure.
Diseases like-
Renal Failure
Hemorrhagic diseases
Diseases bone and joints
Hepatic problems
Skin diseases and psoriasis
Nervous disorders
Modern day stress
Menopausal syndrom
Brain tumor
Gall bladder stones
Kidney stones
Chronic asthma
Cervical sponsoring
Chronic backache
High cholesterol levels
Enlarged spleen
GALL STONES: -Homoeo remedy goes deeper into body, dissolves stones and helps reduce the tendency for reformation of gallstones. Homeo tinctures can relieve pain of gall stones and helps prevent gall stones formation.
ANEMIA : - Iron deficiency anemia - latest research is confirming that iron building up in babies causes neonatal jaundice. Cases of constipation, morning sickness and indigestion are mostly due to usage of iron. A lot of cases of morning sickness miraculously disappear if all iron tablets are stopped. Our treatment for iron deficiency anemia is based upon the concept that mush of iron is already stored in our body. The deficiency is due to wrong or pathological assimilation and not a nutritional problem. The idea about homeopathic treatment is that we stimulate & regulate iron and mineral metabolism.
FREQUENT NASAL BLEEDING :- Can be instantaneously stopped with certain homeopathic remedies and general remedies as backup treatment can be given for reducing the tendency for the same.
HEEL PAIN: - A lot of cases of heel pain are due to cleaned spur. With the help of homeopathic remedies and salts bony growths (spurs), cysts, deformities of the bones have been cured.
HIP BONE problems and slip disks: - Certain homeopathic remedies have saved people from getting hip replacement operations. Evidences show that degenerative hip diseases can be relieved and also Remedies are even helpful after hip replacement operations to increase mobility and reduce pains in elderly people. Rupture and herniated disks can have relief of pain in almost all cases with homeopathic medicine.There are very good remedies for recalcificaton of roptured disks.
Repeated Urinary Tract Infection: - Homeopathic remedies not only reduce the symptoms of UTI but also prevent them from recurring attacks. Excellent range of homeopathic remedies for all sorts of bladder infections where pathological urine lab reports showing urine with RBCs, proteins have been reverted back to normal.
Prostatic Enlargement (benign): -To save you from operative procedures, certain homeopathic medicines and herbal tinctures have given us a proof that, with their use a lot many surgeries are cancilled.
POST MENOPAUSAL CALCIAM DEFICIANCY: - Causing osteoporosis in women, can be treated with homeopathic calcium remedies and salts if treatment is continuously taken for 6 or more than 6 months. This can surely replace H.R.T. (Hormone Replacement Therapy).
Birth marks, keloids, pimples and sun burns :- Deep pigmentations- Have been tackled with homeopathic medicines. Needs a prolonged treatment. With certain homeopathic medicines miraculous relief for all kinds of burns, including sun burns can be obtained.
BEGINNING OF CATARRAT :- Cataract due to calcium deposition at abnormal sites i.e. eye and can be corrected if treated in initial stages, and in later stages remedy delays the formation.
INTERNAL EAR DISORDER :- Characterized by partial deafness, tinnitus and vertigo. Homeopathic specifics not only reduce intensity of the attack but also the frequency and recurring tendency.
High uric acid levels (gout), also called uric acid diathesis : -With the help of certain homeopathic tinctures, the uric acid levels in the blood can be brought down.
ALLERGIC SYNOSITIS:- It is a type of allergic response of the nasal mucosa to airborn allergens which constitutes violent sneezing (15-25 at times) with watery discharge through nose, itching of nose, ear, palate and throat. Such an allergic response may be seasonal or throughout the year. Generally people try to arrest the attacks through antihistamines e.g. Allegro Cetrizine etc. But even with the regular use of these medicines it is observed that patients do not get 100% relief and in course of time the aliment goes on increasing and it becomes chronic and permanent.
In our clinics successfully we have treated more than hundred cases with homoeopathy successfully who were cured of all the above symptoms and absolutely with no recurrence in 3 months of homeopathic treatment. It is very blissful and vital for people suffering from these troubles, that they get off allopathic medicines within a very short time with homeopathic treatment and are left without any such trouble with a smile on their face.
Menopausal complaints:- It is indeed a great transitional stage in woman’s life passing through menopause. It is a phase consisting of a time span may be of 6-8 months to one year. During this phase woman passes through a painful change. She gets emotionally very sensitive. Complaints of flushes of heat, dryness of vagina etc. Many cases of such kind have been benefited by homeopathic treatment at our clinic. In this phase homoeopathy helps you by not only relieving physically but it also helps you strengthen emotionally, adds to your calmness and finally to your happiness.
NO SIDE EFFECTS : The basic difference between Homoeo. & other systems is that it gives small stimuli to the body to help it mobiles its inherent defense mechanism to fight disease.
Hence, there are no side effects of Homeopathic drugs.
ALLERGIES are so prevalent in our polluted environment. As these medicines act like desensitizing immune-modulating agents- they are very effective in curing allergies.
Thus, Homeopathic medicines have many positive features such as:
It is most effective for CHILDREN -- as it has no side effects, it is easy to administer - in fact the children love to go to the Homeopathic doctor who gives them sweet pills to cure them instead of bitter medicines & injections. Children respond best as their vitality is at its highest hence most receptive to Homeopathic drugs.
AUTO-IMMUNE DISORDERS- other chronic diseases like arthritis are also helped by these medicines
-- Very convenient to carry.
-- Have a longer shelf life
-- Easy to administer
-- No toxicity -- do not have any known iatrogenic effect.
-- And last, but not the least --fairly economical
Dr. GUDIMETLA selects a remedy that closely matches a person's constitutional type. In the field of treatment every branch have own importance and highly useful in certain diseases acute as well as in chronic likely homoeopathy is now much more advanced in the field of medical science so Homeopathy treatment is acceptable now a days because it can cure those diseases which is not cured other system like Hypertension, Obstinate skin disease,gastric ailments, asthma and neurological disorder, etc. We are dealing with chronic cases like cancer,kidney disorders, thyroid diseases,skin diseases,migraine,rheumatic complaints etc .
Free online consultation
Our homoeopathy treatment is now just a few clicks away.
Our on-line homeopathy treatment protocol offers a specially designed program, which includes the following aspects:
In-depth case study: Collection of patient's case-details and case history through a questionnaire on online. Analysis and evaluation of the case-details, once received, by a team of specialists and Homeopathic doctors.
Homeopathic medicines will be sent to you through post or courier.
Follow up online support as and when required, 24/7 online and 11 hrs for 6 days a week by chat and phone.
Homeopathic treatment at our clinic. In this phase homoeopathy helps you by not only relieving physically but it also helps you strengthen emotionally, adds to your calmness and finally to your happiness.
NO SIDE EFFECTS : The basic difference between Homeo. Other systems is that it gives small stimuli to the body to help it mobiles its inherent defense mechanism to fight disease. Hence, there are no side effects of Homeopathic drugs.
Telemedicine service mainly works on internet, if needs it is followed by telephonic conversation. Once the medicine reaches the patient, instructions regarding usage will be sent by internet. For information response time is few hours to one day. No food restriction while using homeopathic medicine.
DR.Gudimetla experiances & some of his cases-
Oligospermia (PoorSpermMotility) the most common type of male infertility factor exist in repeated semen analysis with no known urological or endocrinology abnormalities found during examination and therefore in Allopathy there is no specific treatment. So we stressed on looking into alternative systems and find out solution to Increase Sperm Count, Motility and Volume. simultaneously Sperm Morphology comes normal with treatment. Spermatogenesis is corrected and all parameter of sperm analysis become normal with 7 to 9 month of treatment and remains normal for 8 to 10 year after completion of treatment.
In cases of anatomical damaged tubes, homeopathy cannot help much , so operative procedures are better for it. Homeopathy has worked best in secondary infertility also with very high success. We treated more than hundreds of cases of Cerebral Palsy, Atopic Dermatitis, Low Sperm Motility, Male & Female Infertility, Mental Retardation, Recurrent Abortions, Old & Fresh Burn Scar, Prolapsed Vertebral Disk ect. successfully. .
I had been having severe testicular pain for nearly one year and six months, and it only seemed to be getting worse. After several consultations with specialist doctors and embarrassing visits to various medical doctors, without any results, I decided to make an appointment with Dr. Gudimetla. This turned out to be one of the best decisions I have ever made,prescribed a series of medicines over a period of three months and it is successful not only in removing my miserable life but also cured totally.
Anandha Rao Hyderabad, india
In three months I had complete recovery of years of sinusitis and allergies! The results were quick and dramatic for me. It all made perfect sense to me &my body responded very well to my remedy.
Ramu Naidu, Parvatipuram.
The primary reason for me trying homeopathy was to gain relief from chronic lower back pain (herniated L-3 and L-4 discs) that I had suffered with for over 12 years. I had seen the best specialists and tried a number of treatments but unsuccessful. I was in a very high stress in my job for over 22 years. I experienced a variety of other ailments during those years, but the back pain had become unbearable. With his treatment without surgery not only my back pain gone but so all the other health challenges I had for years are removed. I do not really understand how classical homeopathy works completely, but I am a firm believer in the results. I have been pain free and symptom free for over four years.
Vishnuvardhan, Srikakulam AP
"For years I had a hip that was so painful and sometimes had difficulty walking. An operation was suggested. Shortly after taking a homeopathic remedy, the pain in my hip was gone and has not returned. As well, I can now eat almost anything without stomach problems which I had previously.
Krishna Murty, Vizag, India
Bronchogenic Carcinoma in a 53 years old man improved byThuja
A case of Sebaceous Cyst in Neck in a 27 years old male, completely cured by Pulsatilla Nigricans.
A case of Anxiety Neurosis (Mental) in a 24 years old female, completely cured by Pulsatilla Nigricans.
A case of Cerebral Atrophy, in a 41 years of male, completely cured by Natrum Muriaticum.case of Pleural effusion
A case of Hypertrophy of Prostate with recurrent urinary tract Infection ( U.T.I ) & urine retention in a 53 years old male, completely cured by conium mac.
A case of Renal Calculi, in a 65 years old male, completely cured by Ocimum Canum cured.
A case of Chronic Duodenal Ulcer in a 62 years old male, completely cured by Lycopodium.
A case of Cholecystitis in a 50 years aged male, cured by Bryonia
A case of Spleenomegaly (enlargement of Spleen) in a 15 years old boy, completely cured by Thuja Occidentalis
A case of Cholecystitis with Thick Walled Gall Bladder, in a 25 years old young girl, completely cured by Calcarea Carbonica
A woman who lost her voice when one of her sons died. She lived in a village and had not been able to speak for a number of years. I gave her Ignatia based on causation of her complaint. If ailments from grief as a causation symptom, then Ignatia would be one of the choices After one dose of Ignatia she was able to speak again.
A patient very hard of hearing. Communication was extremely difficult because of his hearing loss and then I asked if he had ever had injury. He told he had fallen off his tractor 20 years ago, received a concussion, developed hearing problems and five years later developed a duodenal ulcer. I did not waste any further time with questions and gave him Arnica. He returned in a month and not only was hearing 70 percent better but his stomach was also much improved.
By looking at the causation, e.g. if a patient tells me that her skin eruption started after her child died or his stomach problems started after losing his job, then this is the CAUSATION.These causation symptoms can be considered very strongly. The starting points to finding the remedy and must often be given that fits that causation even if it means ignoring other symptoms.
Mobile homoeopathy is not a clinic to go to patient,on hearing signs & symptoms of the patient by phone I indicate remedy he can as well collect from me or can purchase as it is not costly, thus assist the people of the slums.
My mission & fundamental aim is to make Homoeopathy available to everyone, so with this aim I run the Clinic on a non-profitable basis,we are able to offer consultation with medicine.
Clinic is located at :
Flat no 402&403, Lalita mansion, road no 10, CHIKKADAPALLI, HYD-20
FOR ELETRONIC CONSULTATION email- drgudimetlahomoeo@gmail.com
Successful treatment of many incurable diseases adds a feather to his cap. Specialization is in the branch of treating incurable systemic diseases.
Process to get medicine-very simple. Just give me mail- drgudimetlahomoeo@gmail.com
Homeopathy is new age medicine. It is latest of applied nanomedicine. Small dose wonder works for range of diseases such as allergies, autoimmune, psychosomatic, lifestyle diseases, etc.
Homeopathy works very quickly in common, everyday complaints, it is a treatment for those in search of an instant cure in acute diseases. In chronic diseases, it requires careful self observation and the will power to stick to a plan of action. The reward for this is a greater sense of well- being, energy and resistance to disease.
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843)
Father of Homeopathy
Dr. GUDIMETLA categorizes people into constitutional types. In homeopathic terms a person's constitution is his /her inherited and acquired physical, emotional and intellectual.
A closely fitting constitutional remedy, selected according to these criteria acts preventively and curatively. In addition to examining the symptoms of an illness, he enquires the fears, food preferences and response to general factors such as weather etc. Also takes into account a person's physical appearance and weak areas of body. Dr. GUDIMETLA selects a remedy that closely matches a person's constitutional type. In the field of treatment every branch have own importance and highly useful in certain diseases acute as well as in chronic. Homeopathy is now much more advanced in the field of medical science Homeopathy treatment is acceptable now a days because it can cure those diseases which is not cured other system, like Hypertension, Obstinate skin disease,gastric ailments, Asthma and Neurological disorder,etc. We are dealing with chronic cases like Cancer, Kidney Disorders,Thyroid diseases,Skin diseases,Migraine,Rheumatism.
General Factors Homeopathy takes into account-
The weather, seasons, temperature and time of day may worsen or improve physical conditions,food preferences.
Some people are inclined to crave sweet foods, while others cannot tolerate them. Food likes and dislikes are an important part of assessing constitutional types and fears before prescribing a remedy and also tangible fears, for example, insects and snakes and emotional fears, such as fear of death ,failure and insanity.
So the medicine prescribed two patients for the same disease is different. Homoeopathy categorize people according to their emotional characteristics.
Hyderabad's famous homoeo specialty clinic with cure rate of 100%. Thousands of chronic diseases are cured permanently for the last 35 years of private practice and in government service. It is not needless to say that I have conducted hundreds of medical camps cured huge number of patients for which I was awarded both by government and by private organizations. Most of the cases I treated are Liver, Skin, Endocrinal, Thyroid, Joints and bones, early Cancer, male problems and female systemic disorders ect. To say frank I was very much impressed by the people in our state in curing above systemic disorders with modern psychosomatic approach. It is nothing but art of healing for which I was awarded so many times. My concept is doing service to poor with curing their ailments. This no way lesser than any other great public service. My apple to you all get cure for your chronic ailments through my organization and support needy and poor. Further I would like to clarify that it is therapeutic system of medicine that based on the hyposis "like cures likes". Which menace a substance that can cause certain symptoms(disease)on health person can cure similar disease of unhealthy person. Homoeopathy is a system of medicine where highly diluted potentisesd doses of plant, mineral and animal kingdom to stimulate natural defense mechanism in the body.
Apart from the symptoms of the disease homeopathy consider aspects of physical and psychological state of the patients in recommending the remedy. With the help of homeopathic reference books (now latest software’s) we are selecting remedy. In 1828 Hahnemann introduced a concept of miasm, which he regarded as underlying cases for many known and unknown diseases. Miasmss are defined by homeopathy as an inputted "peculiar morbid derangement of the vital force and also we say initial exposure to these miasmas causes local symptoms such as skin and venereal diseases. If these symptoms are suppressed with improper medication, the cause goes deeper and begins to manifest itself as diseases of internal organs. These are nothing but deep seated ailments (deseases) because of underlying imputed miasmas. These can only be corrected by poetized medicine by removing deeper disturbances of vital force. Through advanced homeopathy over 75% of surgical cases are cured. Advanced Homeopathy is a new technique developed by DR. Gudimetla in this process elimination of remedy even 0.5% less indicated will be done. Selection of potency will be done on the basis of deepness and psychosomatic state of the disease.
Most of the homeopathic doctors are failing in giving cure because they are failing in removing abstraction in the process of cure. Hope you understood disease and cure both depends person susceptibility. On that we concentrate and give cure.
Diseases like-
Renal Failure
Hemorrhagic diseases
Diseases bone and joints
Hepatic problems
Skin diseases and psoriasis
Nervous disorders
Modern day stress
Menopausal syndrom
Brain tumor
Gall bladder stones
Kidney stones
Chronic asthma
Cervical sponsoring
Chronic backache
High cholesterol levels
Enlarged spleen
GALL STONES: -Homoeo remedy goes deeper into body, dissolves stones and helps reduce the tendency for reformation of gallstones. Homeo tinctures can relieve pain of gall stones and helps prevent gall stones formation.
ANEMIA : - Iron deficiency anemia - latest research is confirming that iron building up in babies causes neonatal jaundice. Cases of constipation, morning sickness and indigestion are mostly due to usage of iron. A lot of cases of morning sickness miraculously disappear if all iron tablets are stopped. Our treatment for iron deficiency anemia is based upon the concept that mush of iron is already stored in our body. The deficiency is due to wrong or pathological assimilation and not a nutritional problem. The idea about homeopathic treatment is that we stimulate & regulate iron and mineral metabolism.
FREQUENT NASAL BLEEDING :- Can be instantaneously stopped with certain homeopathic remedies and general remedies as backup treatment can be given for reducing the tendency for the same.
HEEL PAIN: - A lot of cases of heel pain are due to cleaned spur. With the help of homeopathic remedies and salts bony growths (spurs), cysts, deformities of the bones have been cured.
HIP BONE problems and slip disks: - Certain homeopathic remedies have saved people from getting hip replacement operations. Evidences show that degenerative hip diseases can be relieved and also Remedies are even helpful after hip replacement operations to increase mobility and reduce pains in elderly people. Rupture and herniated disks can have relief of pain in almost all cases with homeopathic medicine.There are very good remedies for recalcificaton of roptured disks.
Repeated Urinary Tract Infection: - Homeopathic remedies not only reduce the symptoms of UTI but also prevent them from recurring attacks. Excellent range of homeopathic remedies for all sorts of bladder infections where pathological urine lab reports showing urine with RBCs, proteins have been reverted back to normal.
Prostatic Enlargement (benign): -To save you from operative procedures, certain homeopathic medicines and herbal tinctures have given us a proof that, with their use a lot many surgeries are cancilled.
POST MENOPAUSAL CALCIAM DEFICIANCY: - Causing osteoporosis in women, can be treated with homeopathic calcium remedies and salts if treatment is continuously taken for 6 or more than 6 months. This can surely replace H.R.T. (Hormone Replacement Therapy).
Birth marks, keloids, pimples and sun burns :- Deep pigmentations- Have been tackled with homeopathic medicines. Needs a prolonged treatment. With certain homeopathic medicines miraculous relief for all kinds of burns, including sun burns can be obtained.
BEGINNING OF CATARRAT :- Cataract due to calcium deposition at abnormal sites i.e. eye and can be corrected if treated in initial stages, and in later stages remedy delays the formation.
INTERNAL EAR DISORDER :- Characterized by partial deafness, tinnitus and vertigo. Homeopathic specifics not only reduce intensity of the attack but also the frequency and recurring tendency.
High uric acid levels (gout), also called uric acid diathesis : -With the help of certain homeopathic tinctures, the uric acid levels in the blood can be brought down.
ALLERGIC SYNOSITIS:- It is a type of allergic response of the nasal mucosa to airborn allergens which constitutes violent sneezing (15-25 at times) with watery discharge through nose, itching of nose, ear, palate and throat. Such an allergic response may be seasonal or throughout the year. Generally people try to arrest the attacks through antihistamines e.g. Allegro Cetrizine etc. But even with the regular use of these medicines it is observed that patients do not get 100% relief and in course of time the aliment goes on increasing and it becomes chronic and permanent.
In our clinics successfully we have treated more than hundred cases with homoeopathy successfully who were cured of all the above symptoms and absolutely with no recurrence in 3 months of homeopathic treatment. It is very blissful and vital for people suffering from these troubles, that they get off allopathic medicines within a very short time with homeopathic treatment and are left without any such trouble with a smile on their face.
Menopausal complaints:- It is indeed a great transitional stage in woman’s life passing through menopause. It is a phase consisting of a time span may be of 6-8 months to one year. During this phase woman passes through a painful change. She gets emotionally very sensitive. Complaints of flushes of heat, dryness of vagina etc. Many cases of such kind have been benefited by homeopathic treatment at our clinic. In this phase homoeopathy helps you by not only relieving physically but it also helps you strengthen emotionally, adds to your calmness and finally to your happiness.
NO SIDE EFFECTS : The basic difference between Homoeo. & other systems is that it gives small stimuli to the body to help it mobiles its inherent defense mechanism to fight disease.
Hence, there are no side effects of Homeopathic drugs.
ALLERGIES are so prevalent in our polluted environment. As these medicines act like desensitizing immune-modulating agents- they are very effective in curing allergies.
Thus, Homeopathic medicines have many positive features such as:
It is most effective for CHILDREN -- as it has no side effects, it is easy to administer - in fact the children love to go to the Homeopathic doctor who gives them sweet pills to cure them instead of bitter medicines & injections. Children respond best as their vitality is at its highest hence most receptive to Homeopathic drugs.
AUTO-IMMUNE DISORDERS- other chronic diseases like arthritis are also helped by these medicines
-- Very convenient to carry.
-- Have a longer shelf life
-- Easy to administer
-- No toxicity -- do not have any known iatrogenic effect.
-- And last, but not the least --fairly economical
Dr. GUDIMETLA categorizes people into constitutional types. In homeopathic terms a person's constitution is his /her inherited and acquired physical, emotional and intellectual make up. A closely fitting constitutional remedy, selected according to these criteria acts preventively and curatively. In addition to examining the symptoms of an illness, he enquires the fears, food preferences and response to general factors such as weather. He also takes into account a person's physical appearance, weak areas of body.
Dr. GUDIMETLA selects a remedy that closely matches a person's constitutional type. In the field of treatment every branch have own importance and highly useful in certain diseases acute as well as in chronic likely homoeopathy is now much more advanced in the field of medical science so Homeopathy treatment is acceptable now a days because it can cure those diseases which is not cured other system like Hypertension, Obstinate skin disease,gastric ailments, asthma and neurological disorder, etc. We are dealing with chronic cases like cancer,kidney disorders, thyroid diseases,skin diseases,migraine,rheumatic complaints etc .
Free online consultation
Our homoeopathy treatment is now just a few clicks away.
Our on-line homeopathy treatment protocol offers a specially designed program, which includes the following aspects:
In-depth case study: Collection of patient's case-details and case history through a questionnaire on online. Analysis and evaluation of the case-details, once received, by a team of specialists and Homeopathic doctors.
Homeopathic medicines will be sent to you through post or courier.
Follow up online support as and when required, 24/7 online and 11 hrs for 6 days a week by chat and phone.
Homeopathic treatment at our clinic. In this phase homoeopathy helps you by not only relieving physically but it also helps you strengthen emotionally, adds to your calmness and finally to your happiness.
NO SIDE EFFECTS : The basic difference between Homeo. Other systems is that it gives small stimuli to the body to help it mobiles its inherent defense mechanism to fight disease. Hence, there are no side effects of Homeopathic drugs.
Telemedicine service mainly works on internet, if needs it is followed by telephonic conversation. Once the medicine reaches the patient, instructions regarding usage will be sent by internet. For information response time is few hours to one day. No food restriction while using homeopathic medicine.
DR.Gudimetla experiances & some of his cases-
Oligospermia (PoorSpermMotility) the most common type of male infertility factor exist in repeated semen analysis with no known urological or endocrinology abnormalities found during examination and therefore in Allopathy there is no specific treatment. So we stressed on looking into alternative systems and find out solution to Increase Sperm Count, Motility and Volume. simultaneously Sperm Morphology comes normal with treatment. Spermatogenesis is corrected and all parameter of sperm analysis become normal with 7 to 9 month of treatment and remains normal for 8 to 10 year after completion of treatment.
In cases of anatomical damaged tubes, homeopathy cannot help much , so operative procedures are better for it. Homeopathy has worked best in secondary infertility also with very high success. We treated more than hundreds of cases of Cerebral Palsy, Atopic Dermatitis, Low Sperm Motility, Male & Female Infertility, Mental Retardation, Recurrent Abortions, Old & Fresh Burn Scar, Prolapsed Vertebral Disk ect. successfully. .
I had been having severe testicular pain for nearly one year and six months, and it only seemed to be getting worse. After several consultations with specialist doctors and embarrassing visits to various medical doctors, without any results, I decided to make an appointment with Dr. Gudimetla. This turned out to be one of the best decisions I have ever made,prescribed a series of medicines over a period of three months and it is successful not only in removing my miserable life but also cured totally.
Anandha Rao Hyderabad, india
In three months I had complete recovery of years of sinusitis and allergies! The results were quick and dramatic for me. It all made perfect sense to me &my body responded very well to my remedy.
Ramu Naidu, Parvatipuram.
The primary reason for me trying homeopathy was to gain relief from chronic lower back pain (herniated L-3 and L-4 discs) that I had suffered with for over 12 years. I had seen the best specialists and tried a number of treatments but unsuccessful. I was in a very high stress in my job for over 22 years. I experienced a variety of other ailments during those years, but the back pain had become unbearable. With his treatment without surgery not only my back pain gone but so all the other health challenges I had for years are removed. I do not really understand how classical homeopathy works completely, but I am a firm believer in the results. I have been pain free and symptom free for over four years.
Vishnuvardhan, Srikakulam AP
"For years I had a hip that was so painful and sometimes had difficulty walking. An operation was suggested. Shortly after taking a homeopathic remedy, the pain in my hip was gone and has not returned. As well, I can now eat almost anything without stomach problems which I had previously.
Krishna Murty, Vizag, India
Bronchogenic Carcinoma in a 53 years old man improved byThuja
A case of Sebaceous Cyst in Neck in a 27 years old male, completely cured by Pulsatilla Nigricans.
A case of Anxiety Neurosis (Mental) in a 24 years old female, completely cured by Pulsatilla Nigricans.
A case of Cerebral Atrophy, in a 41 years of male, completely cured by Natrum Muriaticum.case of Pleural effusion
A case of Hypertrophy of Prostate with recurrent urinary tract Infection ( U.T.I ) & urine retention in a 53 years old male, completely cured by conium mac.
A case of Renal Calculi, in a 65 years old male, completely cured by Ocimum Canum cured.
A case of Chronic Duodenal Ulcer in a 62 years old male, completely cured by Lycopodium.
A case of Cholecystitis in a 50 years aged male, cured by Bryonia
A case of Spleenomegaly (enlargement of Spleen) in a 15 years old boy, completely cured by Thuja Occidentalis
A case of Cholecystitis with Thick Walled Gall Bladder, in a 25 years old young girl, completely cured by Calcarea Carbonica
A woman who lost her voice when one of her sons died. She lived in a village and had not been able to speak for a number of years. I gave her Ignatia based on causation of her complaint. If ailments from grief as a causation symptom, then Ignatia would be one of the choices After one dose of Ignatia she was able to speak again.
A patient very hard of hearing. Communication was extremely difficult because of his hearing loss and then I asked if he had ever had injury. He told he had fallen off his tractor 20 years ago, received a concussion, developed hearing problems and five years later developed a duodenal ulcer. I did not waste any further time with questions and gave him Arnica. He returned in a month and not only was hearing 70 percent better but his stomach was also much improved.
By looking at the causation, e.g. if a patient tells me that her skin eruption started after her child died or his stomach problems started after losing his job, then this is the CAUSATION.These causation symptoms can be considered very strongly. The starting points to finding the remedy and must often be given that fits that causation even if it means ignoring other symptoms.
Mobile homoeopathy is not a clinic to go to patient,on hearing signs & symptoms of the patient by phone I indicate remedy he can as well collect from me or can purchase as it is not costly, thus assist the people of the slums.
My mission & fundamental aim is to make Homoeopathy available to everyone, so with this aim I run the Clinic on a non-profitable basis,we are able to offer consultation with medicine.
Clinic is located at :
Flat no 402&403, Lalita mansion, road no 10, CHIKKADAPALLI, HYD-20
FOR ELETRONIC CONSULTATION email- drgudimetlahomoeo@gmail.com
Successful treatment of many incurable diseases adds a feather to his cap. Specialization is in the branch of treating incurable systemic diseases.
Process to get medicine-very simple. Just give me mail- drgudimetlahomoeo@gmail.com
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