Drug abuse and addiction is a serious problem amongst those who handle drugs, that is, the doctor, the nurse the pharmacist, and the patient, the maximum responsibility for the proper distribution of drugs is that of the pharmacist. Under the laws of India drugs which can be abused are dispensed by the pharmacist only under a doctor's prescription. Drug Addictions a biological phenomenon and includes both psychic and physical dependence. Psychic dependence is seen in the form of compulsive and repeated drug-taking for personal satisfaction. Heavy cigarette smoking is an example. Physical dependence which is present when withdrawal of a drug produces symptoms that are opposite to those sought by the user, Alcohol withdrawal syndrome is a common example. The patterns of addiction development and types of behavioral symptoms of drug dependence not only vary from drug to drug but also individual to individual. It is, therefore, difficult to prescribe anyone uniform treatment to various forms of drug abuse. After repeated use of a drug, a larger dose is needed to produce the same effect, a state of tolerance is said to have developed for that drug, Tolerance is closely associated with the phenomenon of physical dependence and in almost all cases, and the person needs a larger successive dose of the drug for the same effect. For example, persons who are dependent on morphine may, at times, need 200 times the usual dose for its euphoric effects Drugs as Reinforces: A number of psychoactive drugs serve as reinforces to initiate a self-administration habit, and when such a drug is repeatedly used, it can cause compulsive drug abuse behavior. In humans, reinforcement is in the form of a feeling of pleasure, relief of pain, discomfort, or an altered perception. Reinforcement behavior has been extensively studied in rate, monkeys, and baboons and shows certain patterns of self-administration of drugs. In humans, it may act as a reinforce even in the absence of physical dependence or any preexisting psychopathological conditions. Caffeine in tea, coffee, cold drinks ect. A cup of tea may carry 30 to 45 mg, coffee 80 to 100 mg; and cola drinks, about 30 mg of caffeine. No serious harm is done even by repeated consumption. Non-availability of these drinks can lead to a mild headache or body ache. Ethyl alcohol: If used habitually it may cause dependence or addiction and tolerance, and may thus end up causing physical and economic ruin to the user and misery to the family. If alcohol is taken in high doses, it causes behavioral changes, mental confusion, in coordination, and even coma. Diagnosis of alcohol toxicity can be extremely difficult if a sick or injured person happens to have taken alcohol as well.
Nicotine: It is taken in a number of forms of tobacco, in bidies, cigarettes, in pan, or as snuff (intranasal administration). While tobacco consumption does not benefit the user, it has been clearly established that it is the cause of many chronic ailments.
While men smoke more often than women in India, the incidence of women smokers in lower classes is very high. A common ill-effect of smoking is lung cancer. Giving up smoking reduces the risk of premature death, and after 12 years, the risk approximates to that of a life long non-smoker. The risk of developing cancer of the mouth and throat is 6-10 times more in smokers than non-smokers. Under the age of 65, smokers are about twice as likely to die of coronary heart disease as are non-smokers, and heavy-smokers, about 3.5 times as likely. The narrowing of the smallest coronary arteries is enormously increased in heavy and even moderate smokers. Other problems faced by smokers are chronic bronchitis and chronic lung disease leading to congestive heart failure. Women who smoke are more likely to be infertile or take longer to conceive than women who do not smoke. They also run the risk spontaneous abortion.
Any kind of addiction is injurious to health, be it to alcohol, smoking or medicines.
As a result of scientific research, we know that addiction is a disease that affects both brain and behavior. We have identified many of the biological and environmental factors and are beginning to search for the genetic variations that contribute to the development and progression of the disease. Scientists use this knowledge to develop effective prevention and treatment approaches that reduce the toll drug abuse takes on individuals, families, and communities. Many people do not understand why individuals become addicted to drugs or how drugs change the brain to foster compulsive drug abuse. They mistakenly view drug abuse and addiction as strictly a social problem and may characterize those who take drugs as morally weak. One very common belief is that drug abusers should be able to just stop taking drugs if they are only willing to change their behavior. What people often underestimate is the complexity of drug addiction, it is a disease that impacts the brain and because of that, stopping drug abuse is not simply a matter of willpower. Through scientific advances we now know much more about how exactly drugs work in the brain, and we also know that drug addiction can be successfully treated to help people stop abusing drugs and resume their productive lives. Drug abuse and addiction are a major burden to society. which include family disintegration, loss of employment, failure in school, domestic violence, child abuse, and other crimes.Addiction is a chronic, often relapsing brain disease that causes compulsive drug seeking and use despite harmful consequences to the individual who is addicted and to those around them. Drug addiction is a brain disease because the abuse of drugs leads to changes in the structure and function of the brain. Although it is true that for most people the initial decision to take drugs is voluntary, over time the changes in the brain caused by repeated drug abuse can affect a person’s self control and ability to make sound decisions, and at the same time send intense impulses to take drugs. It is because of these changes in the brain that it is so challenging for a person who is addicted to stop abusing drugs. Fortunately, there are Homeopathic treatments that help people to counteract addiction’s powerful disruptive effects and regain control. Drugs are chemicals that tap into the brain’s communication system and disrupt the way nerve cells normally send, receive, and process information. Some drugs, such as marijuana and heroin, have a similar structure to chemical messengers, called neurotransmitters, which are naturally produced by the brain. Because of this similarity, these drugs are able to “fool” the brain’s receptors and activate nerve cells to send abnormal messages. Other drugs, such as cocaine or methamphetamine, can cause the nerve cells to release abnormally large amounts of natural neurotransmitters, or prevent the normal recycling of these brain chemicals, which is needed to shut off the signal between neurons. This disruption produces a greatly amplified message that ultimately disrupts normal communication patterns.
Nearly all drugs, directly or indirectly, target the brain’s reward system by flooding the circuit with dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter present in regions of the brain that control movement, emotion, motivation, and feelings of pleasure. The over stimulation of this system, which normally responds to natural behaviors that are linked to survival (eating, spending time with loved ones, etc.), produces euphoric effects in response to the drugs. This reaction sets in motion a pattern that “teaches” people to repeat the behavior of abusing drugs.
No single factor can predict whether or not a person will become addicted to drugs. Risk for addiction is influenced by a person’s biology, social environment, and age or stage of development. The more risk factors an individual has, the greater the chance that taking drugs can lead to addiction.
Biology. The genes that people are born with––in combination with environmental influences––account for about half of their addiction vulnerability. Additionally, gender, ethnicity, and the presence of other mental disorders may influence risk for drug abuse and addiction.
Environment. A person’s environment includes many different influences––from family and friends to socioeconomic status and quality of life in general. Factors such as peer pressure, physical and sexual abuse, stress, and parental involvement can greatly influence the course of drug abuse and addiction in a person’s life.
Development. Genetic and environmental factors interact with critical developmental stages in a person’s life to affect addiction vulnerability, and adolescents experience a double challenge. Although taking drugs at any age can lead to addiction, the earlier that drug use begins, the more likely it is to progress to more serious abuse. And because adolescents’ brains are still developing in the areas that govern decision making, judgment, and self-control, they are especially prone to risk-taking behaviors, including trying drugs of abuse.
The human brain is the most complex organ in the body. This three-pound mass of gray and white matter sits at the center of all human activity - you need it to drive a car, to enjoy a meal, to breathe, to create an artistic masterpiece, and to enjoy every day activities. In brief, the brain regulates your basic body functions; enables you to interpret and respond to everything you experience; and shapes your thoughts, emotions, and behavior.
The brain stem controls basic functions critical to life, such as heart rate, breathing, and sleeping. The limbic system contains the brain's reward circuit - it links together a number of brain structures that control and regulate our ability to feel pleasure. Feeling pleasure motivates us to repeat behaviors such as eating - actions that are critical to our existence. The limbic system is activated when we perform these activities - and also by drugs of abuse. In addition, the limbic system is responsible for our perception of other emotions, both positive and negative, which explains the mood-altering properties of many drugs.
The cerebral cortex is divided into areas that control specific functions. Different areas process information from our senses, enabling us to see, feel, hear, and taste. The front part of the cortex, the frontal cortex or forebrain, is the thinking center of the brain; it powers our ability to think, plan, solve problems, and make decisions. The messages are carried between neurons by chemicals called neurotransmitters. The neurotransmitter attaches to a specialized site on the receiving cell called a receptor. A neurotransmitter and its receptor operate like a "key and lock," an exquisitely specific mechanism that ensures that each receptor will forward the appropriate message only after interacting with the right kind of neurotransmitter.
Drugs are chemicals. They work in the brain by tapping into the brain's communication system and interfering with the way nerve cells normally send, receive, and process information. Some drugs, such as marijuana and heroin, can activate neurons because their chemical structure mimics that of a natural neurotransmitter. This similarity in structure "fools" receptors and allows the drugs to lock onto and activate the nerve cells. Although these drugs mimic brain chemicals, they don't activate nerve cells in the same way as a natural neurotransmitter, and they lead to abnormal messages being transmitted through the network. Other drugs, such as amphetamine or cocaine, can cause the nerve cells to release abnormally large amounts of natural neurotransmitters or prevent the normal recycling of these brain chemicals. This disruption produces a greatly amplified message, ultimately disrupting communication channels. The difference in effect can be described as the difference between someone whispering into your ear and someone shouting into a micro phone.
Imbalance between Mind and Body relationship will certainly cause sickness to both mind and body. The relationship of mind and body is inter-dependent. In other words any imbalance of mind will disorder body. Like-wise any disorder of body will imbalance mind. In fact, the mind is root cause for sickness in an individual. The pure mind’s body is also pure from sickness.So, Health is Mind and Mind is Health. An often overlooked connection between mind and body is the way in which even mild mental ill-health can have an adverse affect on our physical selves. American researchers found that mild depression can quicken the deaths of patients with heart problems: The incidence of abnormal heart beat was three times higher in depressed patients. It is also now thought that stress may raise cholesterol levels and so potentially increasing the risk of heart disease.
Drug addiction involves disturbances in brain chemistry caused by repeated use of certain psychoactive substances. Although the exact nature of these disturbances is not well understood and hence, the need for continued basic research. The biological nature of this problem is appreciated by most specialists. Psychological counseling and therapy can help the individual recovering from addiction, but the main problem lies with altered brain chemistry that needs to be treated with medicines only. A number of medications are currently being investigated in various laboratories, but none are yet very effective. Basic research studying prototypic addictive drugs in animal models can identify the neural mechanisms underlying addiction. This information can then direct the development of medications for the treatment of addiction. These medications are evaluated for their safety and effectiveness using animal models before being prescribed clinically to treat addiction. This last step is particularly important, considering that heroin was originally developed as a treatment for morphine addiction.
How is drug addiction related to "normal" behavior? What causes drug addiction? Many factors influence a person’s initial drug use. Personality characteristics, peer pressure, and psychological stress can all contribute to the early stage of drug abuse. These factors are less important as drug use continues and the person repeatedly experiences the potent pharmacological effects of the drug. This chemical action, which stimulates certain brain systems, produces the addiction, while other psychological and social factors become less and less important in influencing the individual’s behavior. When the pharmacological action of a drug dominates the individual’s behavior and the normal psychological and social control of behavior is no longer effective when the addiction is fully developed. This self-perceived "loss of control" is a common feature of drug addiction and reflects the biological nature of the problem
It appears that stress can increase the chances that a person who “has what it takes” can develop dependence, but stress alone is probably not a primary cause of the addiction disease. All drugs damage brain cells. Actually, relatively few have been shown to damage brain cells through a toxic effect. These include alcohol (high doses over a long time), “inhalants”- including paint thinner, airplane glue, hair sprays ect. (all of these are organ-toxic and highly damaging to all internal organs.
Studies have shown that good sleep is more important. Number of people who experiences interrupted sleep. Lack of good-quality sleep brings number of problems besides feeling tired throughout the day. Traffic accidents, poor concentration in daily tasks, illness and lazy behavior are some of the problems that are associated with poor sleep. To have a healthy mind and body, uninterrupted sleep of seven hours is a must. A good sleep not only offers a sound mind and body but also helps in giving positive results in every task. People take medications and seek help from professionals to get a good sleep. However, if we cultivate some good habits, a good sleep can always be in our control. Following are the few tips that can help you to provide a good-quality sleep every night. Bedroom is the place to take rest and spend some comfortable time. Bedroom must have a good environment to get a sound sleep. It must be dark, clean and with proper ventilation facilities. Fresh air circulation and a temperature of 60-65 degrees provide the best conditions for a good sleep. Bed must be incorporated with right amount of blankets and soft pillows. You can also minimize noise and light during the sleep by using ear plugs and window blinds avoid drinks before sleep Regular exercise of 20-30 minutes will also help in providing more oxygen for relaxation. Please, do not exercise before going to bed. Stick to bed timings Activites such as reading books, writing, planning the things to tomorrow, listening music these will help for good sleep.
Homeopathy is a holistic therapy which aims to help mind and body
According to Hahnemann’s theory on Chronic Diseases, the direction of disorder might from mind to body and body to mind. Any suppressions of illness towards inside body finally disturb mind and cause illness to mind which appears in the form of mental disorders. Like-wise any chronic jealousy or suppression of excitement or grief will disturb mind and cause illness to body in terms of different pathology. Homeopathy analyzes the root cause of a chronic disease and the similimum, that is, the remedy, is administered duly considering all these root causes. Hahnemann proved Homeopathic medicines from Mind symptoms to Extremities and Modalities of Medicine. The followers of Hahnemann have been mounting up much subject on Mind and Body treatment. As such the concept and subject on the mind is highly stressed in the system of Homeopathic Medicine. Each and every one of the proven Homeopathic Medicine has well-defined mental symptoms and mind picture. To illustrate: Argentum Noricum - The mind is - Highly Impulsive, Hurried Mind etc; Aurum met - The mind is - Despair and Melancholic, Suicidal; Lachesis - The mind is - Loquatic, Suspicious, Jealous; Pulsatilla - The Mind is - Sensitive, Needs Sympathy, Easily Tearful; Natrum mur - The Mind is - Suppression of Grief and Sorrow, Could not Express or Share his emotions, Hates any Sympathy. Anacardium orientale - The mind is - Irresolution, Malicious, Some times Good and Some times Bad, Change of Moods,Violent;
Platina-TheMinds-Egoistic, Proud, Impure Mind with Sex suppressions.Etc.
While analyzing a case the Homeopathic Physician considers the Mind Picture, the Altered Disposition and its abnormalities and the causation for sickness in order to prescribe the similimum. The Mind picture or Natural Dispositions like - Domineering, Mild, Anxious, Fearful, Mild, Restlessness, Planning and thinking, Lascivious, Unsocial behaviour or Malicious, Destructiveness etc; the Altered Disposition like - Sad, Melancholy, Effects of Shock, Rage, Anguish, Dullness, Imbecile, Delusions etc The causations like-Ailments from Loss of relative or failure of Love and Dreams act.
Platina-TheMinds-Egoistic, Proud, Impure Mind with Sex suppressions.Etc.
While analyzing a case the Homeopathic Physician considers the Mind Picture, the Altered Disposition and its abnormalities and the causation for sickness in order to prescribe the similimum. The Mind picture or Natural Dispositions like - Domineering, Mild, Anxious, Fearful, Mild, Restlessness, Planning and thinking, Lascivious, Unsocial behaviour or Malicious, Destructiveness etc; the Altered Disposition like - Sad, Melancholy, Effects of Shock, Rage, Anguish, Dullness, Imbecile, Delusions etc The causations like-Ailments from Loss of relative or failure of Love and Dreams act.
Homeopathy deals with Mind and its state of alteration and the altered state of Mind will come to normalcy through administering a similimum. Homeopathy brings state of Happiness and Peace to the Mind and brings sound health. Emotional stress caused by grief, shock, abandonment, disappointment or life-changes such as moving home, can leave us drained and prone to illness. If left untreated or uncorrected, ‘acute’ emotional responses can become long term or chronic. In cases of severe mental exhaustion, help is required in order to reverse a potential downward spiral to nervous breakdown. Homeopathy can provide an excellent early intervention and when illness has become chronic, can help rebalance the mind and emotions. Homeopathy is effective in people of all ages – from children with behavioral problems and teenagers with loss of confidence, to adults going through marital breakdown or redundancy.
Homeopathy has not given the seriousness it deserves from medical authorities and governmental agencies, and I feel when suddenly its worth will be discovered the whole world will turn towards it with an unprecedented hysteria expecting much more that it can deliver. Homeopathy is very difficult in its learning and practicing, and requires a kind of dedication on the part of the physician who undertakes to learn it properly and practice it professionally.
Homeopathy has not given the seriousness it deserves from medical authorities and governmental agencies, and I feel when suddenly its worth will be discovered the whole world will turn towards it with an unprecedented hysteria expecting much more that it can deliver. Homeopathy is very difficult in its learning and practicing, and requires a kind of dedication on the part of the physician who undertakes to learn it properly and practice it professionally.
In order to ascertain the therapeutic qualities of pharmaceutical substances, Hahnemann carried out provings of the remedies on healthy persons of both sexes in increased dosages, though not beyond the toxic levels.The reactions to the pharmaceutical substances gained in this manner were recorded in minute detail.
This list of ‘remedy symptoms’, incurred on relatively healthy organisms, having been repeatedly ascertained, together with the toxological symptoms of various substances, known from existing medical writings, were combined to form a valuable part of the homeopathic pharmacology, otherwise known as the ‘Materia Medica’.
On the basis of the law of similars and pharmacological provings on healthy individuals, Hahnemann proceeded to develop an entire medical system.
He also published the book Chronic diseases in which he maintained that all chronic diseases are a result of the suppression either of skin diseases of the skin or syphilis or gonorrhea. That is to say that if these three categories of diseases are treated wrongly, they remain within the organism in a suppressed state, in a changed form and finally they reappear as various kinds of chronic diseases.
Hahnemann named these three initial forms of disease the miasms of Psora, Syphilis and Sycosis (meaning gonorrhea). Hahnemann was heavily criticised for his theories, even by some of his supporters, who while declaring these ideas useless nevertheless continued to practise homeopathy. Some of the essential points of homeopathy, which complete the ‘law of similars’ are:
1. That there are no diseases, but only patients.
2. That the appropriate remedy must match every one of the patient’s symptoms, and not only the disease.
3. That the quantity of remedy required for a cure to be successful is infinitely small, on the condition that the ‘true’ remedy has been found.
4. That the symptoms of a disease, during the course of treatment, disappear in the reverse order of their appearance.
An important idea introduced by Hahnemann and which causes homeopathy to differ from conventional medicine is individualising. He maintained that there are no diseases, but only patients, and therefore a treatment must aim at treating the individual rather than the disease. According to this idea, ten patients suffering from the same ‘disease’, for example epilepsy, will probably each require a separate pharmaceutical substance, unless the symptoms of two or three of them are identical down to the last detail, a rare but not impossible situation
Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine, based on an understanding of the interconnection between mind and body. By taking a full case history, homeopaths aim to treat the whole person, not just the disease. Instead of attacking symptoms with strong drugs, homeopathy aims to stimulate and strengthen the immune system, thereby helping the body's natural tendency to heal itself. Homeopathic medicine is prescribed in very low dilution after a special matching process, which takes into account individual symptoms and characteristics. Homeopathy is a safe, effective system of medicine that helps the mind and body to heal. Unlike strong anti depressants or tranquillizers, homeopathic medicines do not pose toxicity problems and are not addictive. These will change mental constitution
This list of ‘remedy symptoms’, incurred on relatively healthy organisms, having been repeatedly ascertained, together with the toxological symptoms of various substances, known from existing medical writings, were combined to form a valuable part of the homeopathic pharmacology, otherwise known as the ‘Materia Medica’.
On the basis of the law of similars and pharmacological provings on healthy individuals, Hahnemann proceeded to develop an entire medical system.
He also published the book Chronic diseases in which he maintained that all chronic diseases are a result of the suppression either of skin diseases of the skin or syphilis or gonorrhea. That is to say that if these three categories of diseases are treated wrongly, they remain within the organism in a suppressed state, in a changed form and finally they reappear as various kinds of chronic diseases.
Hahnemann named these three initial forms of disease the miasms of Psora, Syphilis and Sycosis (meaning gonorrhea). Hahnemann was heavily criticised for his theories, even by some of his supporters, who while declaring these ideas useless nevertheless continued to practise homeopathy. Some of the essential points of homeopathy, which complete the ‘law of similars’ are:
1. That there are no diseases, but only patients.
2. That the appropriate remedy must match every one of the patient’s symptoms, and not only the disease.
3. That the quantity of remedy required for a cure to be successful is infinitely small, on the condition that the ‘true’ remedy has been found.
4. That the symptoms of a disease, during the course of treatment, disappear in the reverse order of their appearance.
An important idea introduced by Hahnemann and which causes homeopathy to differ from conventional medicine is individualising. He maintained that there are no diseases, but only patients, and therefore a treatment must aim at treating the individual rather than the disease. According to this idea, ten patients suffering from the same ‘disease’, for example epilepsy, will probably each require a separate pharmaceutical substance, unless the symptoms of two or three of them are identical down to the last detail, a rare but not impossible situation
Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine, based on an understanding of the interconnection between mind and body. By taking a full case history, homeopaths aim to treat the whole person, not just the disease. Instead of attacking symptoms with strong drugs, homeopathy aims to stimulate and strengthen the immune system, thereby helping the body's natural tendency to heal itself. Homeopathic medicine is prescribed in very low dilution after a special matching process, which takes into account individual symptoms and characteristics. Homeopathy is a safe, effective system of medicine that helps the mind and body to heal. Unlike strong anti depressants or tranquillizers, homeopathic medicines do not pose toxicity problems and are not addictive. These will change mental constitution
It is not only counseling that has a role to play in preventing serious mental illness. In a national survey conducted by The Society of Homeopaths, Homeopaths take into account the world of the patient: their family dynamics, their peer experiences and their subjective feelings. Homeopathy takes a holistic approach to young people suffering from mental health problems and has a track record of alleviating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
By correcting this imbalance, which is always the cause of the physical and psychological ailments that we experience, the balance of body and mind is restored, freeing both to serve the higher purpose of our existence. Once the spiritual cause of disease is removed, it is regularly observed that vast majority of conditions, even ones considered incurable, begin to shift toward health.
In homeopathy, mental and emotional symptoms are of paramount importance not only when prescribing for mental and emotional conditions specifically, but especially when prescribing for physical symptoms also.
Homeopathy however is not the same as psychoanalysis, for although it needs to divine the mental/emotional dynamic in any case taking, and although psychological insights may be revealed, this information is used to find a homeopathic remedy not to provide a psychoanalytical solution. Also unlike some schools of thought which insist on a psychological (or 'psycho spiritual') causation behind every physical ailment, homeopathy doesn't automatically assume this psychosomatic connection, even though it does recognize such etiology when it is evident. (E.g. fainting caused by a fright, or ulcers from anxiety). It is the chosen remedy's homeopath city which rights the problem.
It is often assumed whenever a psychological component is suspected in an illness that the patient must be an hypochondriac, a term with pejorative overtones and hence the British patient's reticence to reveal their feelings; but this emphasis in homeopathy on the mind in no way implies hypochondria. The homeopath's recognition of the mind's qualities in illness has nothing to do with specifying its role, it is considered as a concomitant and purely used to match the remedy characteristics to the characteristics of the patients suffering.
Homeopathy offers an understanding of how body, mind and emotions are all expressions of one soul, one state. Each state corresponds to a particular way the individual experiences his or her specific symptoms. The homeopathic remedy corresponds not to symptoms nor a pathology, but to the state of the individual and their unique experience of their disease. The Homeopathic remedy acts by strengthening the innate constitution of the individual, assisting the body's natural processes of healing. Thus, homeopathy addresses the individual as a whole rather than the disease and its symptoms. Classical Homeopathy is, and always was, a holistic therapy.
Today, Homeopathy, through its Materia Medica of remedy states, provides the most extensive spectrum of “body-mind” constitutions of any traditional, non-traditional, medical or psychological system. This makes homeopathy the most finely-tuned instrument of intervention available, and perhaps the most demanding on its practitioner. Homeopathy requires its practitioners to understand not only the dynamics of disease and the dynamic process of healing, but also the roles of consciousness and emotions in health.
To participate fully in this dynamic process, the homeopath must be able to perceive the client as a “body-mind” whole and touch the individual’s essential nature, or “soul” (as defined by Plato), so that the right remedy can be chosen. This aspect is also the most personally rewarding, for the homeopath must be in touch with his/her own nature or "soul" before being able to perceive and guide others to the same depth to allow homeopathic healing to occur.
HOMEOPATHY MEDICINE is wonder drug for brain. We get very good result to improve memory power. This is very safe medicine and has no side effects. Use for exam fear and weak memory for children too.Since crime reflects the cultural development of the mind of the race and it is instructed to note certain crimes are common in certain racess.
The influential factors are constitution of family, age , occupation of the different members, the industrial, economical and political condition. Our reactions are directed by our intelligence but there is no doubt that in most of our acts may originate from several motives, although one of these may be conscious. That psychological process that under lie human conduct motive the person’s attitude and reaction to the prevailing situation. What create the Drug addiction menace we must consider several factors 1,Persons tendencies and situation of the movement.2 His mental resistance against temptation, here I want to tell every person have tendencies and counter tendencies, thoughts and counter thoughts, and a emotion may cause a counter emotions and imbalance of these two or differ in strength may lead to drug addiction.
My main mission is to see Addiction less society. As I have given elaborate description, homeopathy medicine will change both constitution and mind. Because the medicine is not crude as like other systems the action of the medicine is in dynamic nature and it controls vital force in which hormonal imbalance is one of the part. One important information to both intellectuals and to service organigetions and homeopathic doctors, This program must go in the level of every criminal. Every one must feel proud in changing the mind of a criminal. It is not only helping him but also helping society is nothing but our selves. The fruits of this action may not receive with in one or two years But made success in the course of time. Here I request all people and doctors, it is not to popularize homeopathic system. Other system is also good number of drugs but the medicines are costly, has to take treatment forever, and lastly side effects are more. Cost with homeopathy is negligible. Mostly treatment period 6 months to one year and no side effects. Here I want to stress one important thing. Making a suggestion is very essay but implementing this program is a great venture it needs hard work, determination devotion what not. Only positive factor is that this program is Medicines used neither costly nor dangerous to any one. This drug cannot be miss utilized. No need to take special care. Because of these drugs no systemic disorders will come though utilized by others. Not only in India whole world need to implement this program. Though some countries (few) not recognized homeopathy fully, as far as this program it is need to them to implement in making their society healthy. Even today some people do not believe homeopathy I request them let you not use homeopathy for your personal health and it no way related to society but please give much cooperation, free hand in taking this program into masses. Some people are asking scientific answer how the medicine acts on dynamic plan. I do admit and welcome your question. But with our naked eye we are seeing miracles with homeopathic medicine. Any way do not believe. Request only cooperation towards this program because as you think the drugs are not harmful. Today in this globel village doctors can prescribe medicine from far away by taking mental attitude, temperament, behavior problem, family history act. If possible doctors personally can treat or trained paramedical staff can take all necessary information and pass on to doctor to prescribe remedy. In this process of giving prescription it will not be 100 percent success. Even 50 percent right prescription make this program success. Gradually in 2nd ettempt and in 3 rd attempt total success can be done.
Already there are good number of Homeopathic doctors in India and in abroad in implementing the program WHO need to workout and support this program.So I request governments, WHO, Service organigetions need to take steps to implement after consultation with concern persons and their advisers.
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